: XLRStats :
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Topskill Ranking n.a.
Skill 1281.7
Kills 91
Deaths 79
Ratio 1.15
Kill Assists 0
Total skill gained 0.00
Rounds 12
Longest winning streak 18
Longest losing streak 18
Team kills 2
Team deaths 1
Suicides 0
XLRstatsID: 916 B3-ID: @37380
Personal statistics of foey

foey was first registered by B3 on 20 February 2011, 1:59 EST,
connected 88 times,
was last seen playing on 12 October 2014, 8:31 EDT,
and has not registered with B3 yet!
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foey is connecting from: Germany Germany.

Known aliases for this player are:
008, PiNoYPriD3, LALALA, DEsTrO, flo, >>SALT<<, SNAILS, memnock, wtf, nick, rick, BLKSTRAT, Squishypants, Twink, wardog, Klaatu, ID0KN0W, CptFirepie, SkorpeoN, BerZerKer, LadyJane, Bad_Attitude, killfireshot, Fallen Angel, count chaukula, PolishTarget, O'NEAL, R_Gibbons, ced, Blokkmonsta, Killerkeks7, -> Cobe <-, simoheihe, Teh Mardin, KILLERxD, inciWeTrust, OnlyManHD, Arron, Learn To Play, FdGod, MusclesGlasses, pro pysnip, JasonBourne, Behindert, Massucatto, Jannus, G1uss3pp3, Gooby, GhostGraz, Haro! XD, Mardy, Alin, xIceCubz, -=IC3TW1ST=-, D4RK4R0WS, OK______OK..., eric, Pink x Snez, DESODIOUS, kingMW, SGT-Bshop32, asaf, Niels-Amber, Rajiv, Scooby Doo, MotherFucker, Vince, >BW< SOulaX3., Killed, zebra92, ebusiangamer

Activity   Hitzones

Bodyparts Your Kills Your Deaths
torso_lower 28 (30.77%) 28 (35.44%)
left_leg_upper 12 (13.19%) 3 (3.80%)
head 11 (12.09%) 4 (5.06%)
right_leg_upper 9 (9.89%) 10 (12.66%)
torso_upper 8 (8.79%) 8 (10.13%)
Total Disruption 6 (6.59%) 5 (6.33%)
right_arm_lower 4 (4.40%) 1 (1.27%)
left_leg_lower 4 (4.40%) 2 (2.53%)
right_leg_lower 3 (3.30%) 2 (2.53%)
neck 2 (2.20%) 2 (2.53%)
left_arm_lower 1 (1.10%) 4 (5.06%)
left_arm_upper 1 (1.10%) 3 (3.80%)
right_arm_upper 1 (1.10%) 6 (7.59%)
left_hand 1 (1.10%) 0
right_foot 0 1 (1.27%)
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Accuracy (you hit the red parts more frequently)
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