: XLRStats :
Include aliases  
Topskill Ranking n.a.
Skill 1521.1
Kills 121
Deaths 125
Ratio 0.97
Kill Assists 0
Total skill gained 0.00
Rounds 6
Longest winning streak 7
Longest losing streak 15
Team kills 4
Team deaths 2
Suicides 0
XLRstatsID: 2414 B3-ID: @111065
Personal statistics of BerTiNo

BerTiNo was first registered by B3 on 1 March 2013, 0:30 EST,
connected 4 times,
was last seen playing on 3 March 2013, 22:12 EST,
and has not registered with B3 yet!
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BerTiNo is connecting from: Russian Federation Russian Federation.

Activity   Hitzones

Bodyparts Your Kills Your Deaths
torso_upper 31 (25.62%) 21 (16.80%)
torso_lower 30 (24.79%) 34 (27.20%)
head 24 (19.83%) 17 (13.60%)
left_leg_upper 6 (4.96%) 10 (8.00%)
neck 5 (4.13%) 0
right_arm_upper 5 (4.13%) 0
left_leg_lower 4 (3.31%) 2 (1.60%)
Total Disruption 4 (3.31%) 15 (12.00%)
right_leg_lower 4 (3.31%) 3 (2.40%)
right_arm_lower 3 (2.48%) 7 (5.60%)
left_arm_lower 2 (1.65%) 4 (3.20%)
left_arm_upper 1 (0.83%) 3 (2.40%)
right_leg_upper 1 (0.83%) 9 (7.20%)
right_foot 1 (0.83%) 0
left_foot 0 0
Watch your cover and aim for deadly hitzones on your opponents!
Accuracy (you hit the red parts more frequently)
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