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Topskill Ranking n.a.
Skill 686.8
Kills 45264
Deaths 47562
Ratio 0.95
Kill Assists 0
Total skill gained 0.00
Rounds 3370
Longest winning streak 21
Longest losing streak 38
Team kills 1193
Team deaths 1284
Suicides 0
XLRstatsID: 8502 B3-ID: @127320
Personal statistics of cole world

cole world was first registered by B3 on 21 August 2014, 12:35 EDT,
connected 1554 times,
was last seen playing on 29 September 2023, 10:45 EDT,
and has not registered with B3 yet!
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Known aliases for this player are:
StreaterCZ, Megadeth, BOSS, AdamKiller, AlcatraZZ, Panama, NaSty, Yippi, HcHovnocuc, PetanCZE, HulMiHoUKolen, Moorss, ja, Jerry, EmilioEsteves, Mastrurbator 69, El Nino, Leo Beranek, Vclav Klaus, CID_14, Emilio Esteves, ., FWlUSE, Shinon, Faelvrin, jackobTV, Marek, _-_pajdis__, #FREEPXXRGVNG!, PetaHraje, Krksa, D0s4m, TheWoWce, TraktorJede, HONZA, DUSAN, xPAINxCz, TyroneSpong, VanesCZ, VanesCZ(pokoj5), Isamuru, myrek, strejda kodl, Jezevec, MadSkill88, Piskot, hego, Piskot;rooted android knife, Dominik25CZ, Trakturek, Koulicka, Ponoky, SOLOMON KANE, Hunder32, SUSTAp, Lipo, R1GhTxPOMPA, d1b9, CaireallCZ, <walve>, Darthen, hovado, Mr_Cheesecak, No_username, wikipedie, -n-i-k-o-s--, Romco69, Lorenzo, hema, revion, Kac131, Crow, KELING!, Fetomet is Noob, Myself is Noob, Villain, LEBANON, BRING REJJ, BRAVO4 CENTR 7X, ADMIN, danielkomenda, Lucarionite, [GMB*]suli, A, Scantus, NJA-Cyph3r, opeael2, desenhismo, CAPTAIN_KEN, B00M, DRAMA, Bocho, frosio, ROCK, Wary Crib, michal14, xlsad, GotY, $ACCHI, ilomilo, Chickenwing9, StaleRider, Mrs Moneypenny, DRAGON (OG), THE DRAGON(OG), Grifus, THE OG DRAGON, Mrs AppleBottom, SiludFengres, SiludFungris, Tibikeeee, Acurtion, maikel, [AR51]skinny73, master, orK126, Vincus, Mira, Kurva, Dope man, ANton, wildcat, mrtvolak, Faptian 9Gag, killer, king, robin, JiglYpuff, RYAN, DDDangerrrrrrrr, dangi, SD, CID_2, DON, BOND-007, Radovanek, DARK, DEMBOYS, Qentzo, HIVandEBOLA, C-wejn, Dendy, SHADOW, may, Klasa, ge2, Kid, NIGHTLIFE, switch, DOUNAT, Chuck, twiggy, kakarov, adda, Its Thunder, DreaM, Kos2yk, NaeonN, Rahil, 'sNEM'., LankanKastaa, DrunkZeman, Bejcek, VLOOI, SuperGirl, DyingJoe, edi995, lopuch, |HB|Maxi, Fox12311, marson, Xtremis, VojtManCZ, profesorCZ, BlackJack96, war, Barbarosa, Nero, headshort, Lankan Kastaaaa, osamaladen, terminator, MEL, lukas123654, Comix, Horici Jezek, wlada, JOZO, ZhulenyZabakxD, ilimuter, JAH, Maciek___N, IvAn___N, salam a lejk, YourGrandma, StyleStyStyf, Nasrul, Mysza[PL], CID_6, ihsan, samiGILLA, Nyx, Que, idetosamo, Pan.Velitel, STEVOUILLE, Solja4none, Petan_CZ, Bladden, MikyyGod, Wisnia, AXE, Bocan, Mysza[PL];, NEERO, Honitel, ERROR 404, GOGOGO, hadi, G-Reve, abdulhadikamala, JimJohn, meru, TheAldes, FInGEr, SkyVeto, Flatty, Masi4, FRUTBOX, OPHIR, v.EX88, Killer_H, onlinetechstudi, JEDAY, METROID, KILLER007, British Slut, Cod_4, Soap, stopstealingnam, dontstealnames, |Zed|, rat

Activity   Hitzones

Bodyparts Your Kills Your Deaths
torso_lower 13247 (29.27%) 13805 (29.03%)
Total Disruption 5333 (11.78%) 6050 (12.72%)
torso_upper 4940 (10.91%) 6126 (12.88%)
head 4116 (9.09%) 4881 (10.26%)
left_leg_upper 3701 (8.18%) 3365 (7.07%)
right_leg_upper 3398 (7.51%) 3229 (6.79%)
left_leg_lower 1736 (3.84%) 1596 (3.36%)
right_leg_lower 1540 (3.40%) 1420 (2.99%)
left_arm_lower 1365 (3.02%) 1287 (2.71%)
left_arm_upper 1314 (2.90%) 1167 (2.45%)
right_arm_lower 1231 (2.72%) 1298 (2.73%)
right_arm_upper 1130 (2.50%) 1130 (2.38%)
neck 695 (1.54%) 914 (1.92%)
left_hand 482 (1.06%) 360 (0.76%)
left_foot 424 (0.94%) 409 (0.86%)
right_foot 353 (0.78%) 340 (0.71%)
right_hand 257 (0.57%) 185 (0.39%)
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Accuracy (you hit the red parts more frequently)
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