Include aliases  
Topskill Ranking n.a.
Skill 574.1
Kills 180
Deaths 284
Ratio 0.63
Kill Assists 0
Total skill gained 0.00
Rounds 429
Longest winning streak 15
Longest losing streak 20
Team kills 9
Team deaths 5
Suicides 0
XLRstatsID: 8341 B3-ID: @6921
Personal statistics of SAYURU

SAYURU was first registered by B3 on 13 September 2010, 1:54 EDT,
connected 575 times,
was last seen playing on 10 June 2023, 11:01 EDT,
and has not registered with B3 yet!
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SAYURU is connecting from: .

Known aliases for this player are:
Goodman, bahoZZ--, Jamesticles, jv, JSPR-CRZ, MER, TURTLE, jD529, [sam], ANDREWLI, J0keR, ebENPOgI, aa, OI-jfuckedup, joenjakob, sharpshooter, cheese, THESHIT, **RAMBO**, Skrillex, REAPER, Annie Lau, THE_ONE, [SAS]AWPERATOR, Norseloins, Batman, Ghost-Shadow, Death Star, |HzK.r|SuPeRmAn, [DGI] Quatic, Gordon Freeman, ???, YourMom, ThatGuyThere, VinD1cta, [DGI] Schutze, [DGI]L4MMIO, [ULI]JoneZ, y0un9k41if4, fssenorp, KIDxKATANAiiz, DEVIL, Yongki, [DGI] Jippe, nuubidog, iSUCK, Lord Lucifer, OGeoffrey Kush, [DGI] jirix, 420 Noscope, [GG]TiTi, 420 Noscope;, UnnamedPlayer, ipooiajd, EASY MONEY, FaZe_Penis, Khaliffrey, [PH]Gaming, [PH]Geming, JEF DEM SNIPERZ, FazeRain, GodzAmongstAll, Potato, SKITTLES, ALA, {oP}isfucked, Blake, Posiedon, y Dark-Ghost-BR, Ilovedick, Blackpower, YOLO!!!, Hammrtimma, jirix, Luke, Invoker, HsaNAyBlu, Yourself, Your Face, Eating Eric, Shadow_Ferret, pak army, The Backstabber, Alpha11, pakarmy, Mido, =$PARTAN=, ThePartyPenis, Kurly, CaRoNa_808, ChrisJo, AntiNoob, BEBO MONIR, Ninja_X, DeathIsNearU, Laaz, LS_Finex, |wW|a|s|s|i|a|n, Revrand Nixon, Bananasyum, TrollMasterV, killer, Stak, MATYdom, Ally Laybutt, chanu, {sF}_weedie, TheBestGame, JJcat, idrinkweed69, bigbotoku, apple, --chanu--, --lucifer--, Eclipz, Gorge, Yukers, FLAME, ieatcrack420, rog, oscar, tommutter123, lll, maddog, Big Man Tyrone, Ballers, Big Man Tycoon, iamgroot, fuck me hard, $WESTY$, [NWO]_Buwa, MMM, Kodyw, Lilbear101, MICHAEl, Oscar1player, Celia, AF=Prophet=, n00bslayer69, Ab||Prophet, =AG=Prophet, Edwardo, RaViNDu, Dion, RaViNDu SL, ViHa SL, --bijus--, dontkillme, LilBear999, tiger_imam .I., The Boss, HARPDARD, jElly_bEanz, BTM, suga, Bizlez, PoseidonRam, Bizlezooo, ben mark, SAFWAN, HarryYeetus, Brodi, tzu tze, CID_12, Jeffrey, CID_17, CID_9, DotDots, indian_sparta, SpineLizard

Activity   Hitzones

Bodyparts Your Kills Your Deaths
torso_lower 44 (24.44%) 90 (31.69%)
head 29 (16.11%) 19 (6.69%)
Total Disruption 22 (12.22%) 34 (11.97%)
left_leg_upper 18 (10.00%) 23 (8.10%)
torso_upper 17 (9.44%) 34 (11.97%)
right_leg_upper 14 (7.78%) 19 (6.69%)
right_arm_lower 6 (3.33%) 12 (4.23%)
left_arm_lower 6 (3.33%) 6 (2.11%)
neck 6 (3.33%) 9 (3.17%)
right_arm_upper 5 (2.78%) 2 (0.70%)
right_foot 4 (2.22%) 3 (1.06%)
left_leg_lower 2 (1.11%) 7 (2.46%)
right_hand 2 (1.11%) 2 (0.70%)
right_leg_lower 2 (1.11%) 12 (4.23%)
left_arm_upper 2 (1.11%) 10 (3.52%)
left_hand 1 (0.56%) 1 (0.35%)
left_foot 0 1 (0.35%)
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Accuracy (you hit the red parts more frequently)
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