Include aliases  
Topskill Ranking n.a.
Skill 632.9
Kills 8811
Deaths 14311
Ratio 0.62
Kill Assists 0
Total skill gained 0.00
Rounds 1008
Longest winning streak 18
Longest losing streak 55
Team kills 387
Team deaths 598
Suicides 0
XLRstatsID: 7734 B3-ID: @122268
Personal statistics of adrianhk1137

adrianhk1137 was first registered by B3 on 15 July 2014, 8:58 EDT,
connected 387 times,
was last seen playing on 5 May 2024, 14:47 EDT,
and has not registered with B3 yet!
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adrianhk1137 is connecting from: Colombia Colombia.

Known aliases for this player are:
peineta, AdrianBlack1, GatoGamer666, Don Matador, GaToGamer00, MG Yisus, tremfort, hugo, kuy, ZEUS, joseph, pecas3001, Don Matadore, MON, death40, ThepoHD Inc., Elawelo, `ThOor<3, tadeo, Ignacio, bavo6, iMrBizcocho, blackblock1, XxXAntraxXxX, Asesino, PC6, Logan, the lost, Akame, Jane, KMILO, Togui, [Ops]piwy, GamesBlack21, angelgavogav, Gaia, reynaldo, feather45, axen, derf2, RojoInz, AlannD10, Dante, BrandGamer98, Amy, chester, PAPACHOLI, ManTuna, Nico, RAULIN, VampiX, Manuelin, matanoobs, ELIAS 175, NAVEGarte, Leo2253, JosiSpartan, Joselitho FEl, Abel, CarlosHDZ, Phython!, BlackLight, (Rip7)-Doritos, CuateMR, (Rip7)-Google, MissaRex777, LordVenezuel, Rodrigo053, olj, Mateoo5789YT, xtepGamer, Ripseh, jeosoneck1, llEzzi0ll, XxMaskyGamerxX, MaskyGamer, YuckFou, ProFullBerret, XangelP377, diegoelcrack, iseeU, Bladeps, Ayrton[HL], DangerFast, Nexus, *RD*OASIS, Capo-Cadenas, Userconmaus, zGalvezMx, PITUDO, chiki, xJhoeKillerx, Player21, Player19, TU PAPI CHULO, Marlon, RAMBO, Canepa, kronos, tavo10012, Popper, [Oscar], benja, KEIRY, PC03, fgf, DannyAlx, FrancoTir, G-Eazy, Krechvpoct, Shy boy, k-lor, vvvnxnjxnmnm, Eze, Miguel2017, PANZER81, Burguer Kirino, Gabii_Dago, MATADOR, BAZUCON, cholo10, Endier890, chago, TheCrack, fiu fiu, Shadow, ShadowManiaco, jeffska, Daniel_Dragon32, elasesino, ALEX, Axidito_16, Al3jandro, isaac, bagdad R/S, joejonas, =Tam=Faramir Jr, Edson, KronoX, Alexitus, Wallbangs.exe, Quitjewel042, Dualshock24, McHammer, Manuel24, PiruGG, El Ayuwoki, {FT}UwU, Osber, Emapro014

Activity   Hitzones

Bodyparts Your Kills Your Deaths
torso_lower 2454 (27.85%) 4271 (29.84%)
torso_upper 1127 (12.79%) 1760 (12.30%)
Total Disruption 1121 (12.72%) 1820 (12.72%)
head 1033 (11.72%) 1422 (9.94%)
left_leg_upper 611 (6.93%) 1015 (7.09%)
right_leg_upper 585 (6.64%) 964 (6.74%)
left_leg_lower 303 (3.44%) 494 (3.45%)
right_leg_lower 288 (3.27%) 433 (3.03%)
right_arm_lower 237 (2.69%) 360 (2.52%)
left_arm_lower 218 (2.47%) 387 (2.70%)
left_arm_upper 189 (2.15%) 376 (2.63%)
right_arm_upper 187 (2.12%) 320 (2.24%)
neck 183 (2.08%) 300 (2.10%)
right_foot 80 (0.91%) 105 (0.73%)
left_foot 78 (0.89%) 120 (0.84%)
left_hand 73 (0.83%) 96 (0.67%)
right_hand 44 (0.50%) 68 (0.48%)
Watch your cover and aim for deadly hitzones on your opponents!
Accuracy (you hit the red parts more frequently)
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