Include aliases  
Topskill Ranking n.a.
Skill 754.1
Kills 12230
Deaths 11525
Ratio 1.06
Kill Assists 0
Total skill gained 0.00
Rounds 655
Longest winning streak 19
Longest losing streak 24
Team kills 99
Team deaths 117
Suicides 0
XLRstatsID: 8567 B3-ID: @121722
Personal statistics of guakinito

guakinito was first registered by B3 on 11 July 2014, 2:45 EDT,
connected 262 times,
was last seen playing on 3 April 2024, 10:26 EDT,
and has not registered with B3 yet!
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guakinito is connecting from: Romania Romania.

Known aliases for this player are:
Rayyan, dilawar, Fabricio, RodB, parras, MomoWu, DAVIDsuck, panchoare, DaN-AiR, Aythacamp, luigi, BROCHINORI, $hira, [A41]DarkEagle, Robert7215, RogueNinja, Sophie Turner, Zkillermarine, |WD|Chiouaua, VVP, emilitox69, [PMC]Theepicwor, Nir, [AR51]Nir, KING, EpicRick, TAB, Warelord, YOUKNOW, Kelssik, FabricioHC, .:Npu{X}eM:.!, NesTea, Terryth, Azzar, IVAN, LTNeff, RICHY, israelsi7, SHaanii, mainhnna, _-=_-=_0_=-_=-_, SLOPEZ, pizda, Pacuha, juan, guakinito, KSR, celtian___ajmv, B0BBI, Am!lkr, guaky

Activity   Hitzones

Bodyparts Your Kills Your Deaths
torso_lower 3388 (27.70%) 3420 (29.67%)
Total Disruption 1603 (13.11%) 1426 (12.37%)
torso_upper 1458 (11.92%) 1573 (13.65%)
head 1201 (9.82%) 1271 (11.03%)
left_leg_upper 935 (7.65%) 753 (6.53%)
right_leg_upper 877 (7.17%) 716 (6.21%)
left_leg_lower 496 (4.06%) 388 (3.37%)
right_leg_lower 438 (3.58%) 299 (2.59%)
right_arm_lower 345 (2.82%) 336 (2.92%)
left_arm_lower 329 (2.69%) 311 (2.70%)
left_arm_upper 300 (2.45%) 265 (2.30%)
right_arm_upper 250 (2.04%) 239 (2.07%)
neck 231 (1.89%) 241 (2.09%)
right_foot 116 (0.95%) 75 (0.65%)
left_foot 111 (0.91%) 67 (0.58%)
left_hand 107 (0.87%) 93 (0.81%)
right_hand 45 (0.37%) 52 (0.45%)
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Accuracy (you hit the red parts more frequently)
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