: MyStats :
Include aliases  
Topskill Ranking n.a.
Skill 577.8
Kills 6368
Deaths 9397
Ratio 0.68
Kill Assists 0
Total skill gained 0.00
Rounds 482
Longest winning streak 16
Longest losing streak 26
Team kills 176
Team deaths 197
Suicides 0
XLRstatsID: 7333 B3-ID: @118598
Personal statistics of BCG

BCG was first registered by B3 on 9 April 2014, 1:18 EDT,
connected 133 times,
was last seen playing on 26 January 2020, 10:30 EST,
and has not registered with B3 yet!
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BCG is connecting from: United States United States.

Known aliases for this player are:
circleskew, Cash12345671, mattslikerun, Unnamed, assad, sprinklesasd, flishdlght, ALLaHu_AkkGBAR, ALLaHu_AkkGBAR;i HERD MY P90, koolaidonkrack, relrhbawo92, lamikcoli57, bglephant, IeMSceee, Lmsce, Marcus Lucas, m_terme, Bgra242, Epsp, hollymoley, bellafare, flip[z, ReCoup, Jongun, Netsbak, Slacrotu, Slac, frogkicking, Aeshwaga, Werr, Pinnes, Moobi, Moomi, dodo, Mpu36, CID_13, Bgg, HgBho, Bghgh, Modw, CID_4, FRes, Modepo, Nosburger

Activity   Hitzones

Bodyparts Your Kills Your Deaths
torso_lower 1879 (29.51%) 2726 (29.01%)
torso_upper 864 (13.57%) 1127 (11.99%)
head 684 (10.74%) 888 (9.45%)
left_leg_upper 499 (7.84%) 689 (7.33%)
right_leg_upper 454 (7.13%) 707 (7.52%)
Total Disruption 425 (6.67%) 1160 (12.34%)
left_leg_lower 235 (3.69%) 338 (3.60%)
right_leg_lower 227 (3.56%) 292 (3.11%)
right_arm_lower 208 (3.27%) 275 (2.93%)
left_arm_upper 185 (2.91%) 247 (2.63%)
left_arm_lower 183 (2.87%) 235 (2.50%)
right_arm_upper 160 (2.51%) 244 (2.60%)
neck 140 (2.20%) 193 (2.05%)
left_hand 73 (1.15%) 79 (0.84%)
right_foot 66 (1.04%) 84 (0.89%)
left_foot 51 (0.80%) 79 (0.84%)
right_hand 33 (0.52%) 32 (0.34%)
Watch your cover and aim for deadly hitzones on your opponents!
Accuracy (you hit the red parts more frequently)
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