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Topskill Ranking n.a.
Skill 605.8
Kills 10770
Deaths 9450
Ratio 1.14
Kill Assists 0
Total skill gained 0.00
Rounds 805
Longest winning streak 47
Longest losing streak 27
Team kills 249
Team deaths 298
Suicides 0
XLRstatsID: 9629 B3-ID: @121241
Personal statistics of rema

rema was first registered by B3 on 7 July 2014, 9:32 EDT,
connected 527 times,
was last seen playing on 17 December 2023, 9:25 EST,
and has not registered with B3 yet!
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Known aliases for this player are:
sergey, Locos, lihoy, Mihan, ddd, Skorpion, kovalev, DemiMoore, Tuyn4k, pashok, lpkirich, goukrainego, russianKill, 111111111111, DIKEY, solot, Almas, kilibok, 1, [J/G]Jackpot, vanya, EREMA, Killer_kz, Da1r, [J/G]Jackpot KZ, strongerman, ecfvffw, PavelRDN, killler, 3422, 007, Rofani, LEMMONNIK, edcfvvdfb, FaUsT, HorrorMEN, Geaimer, Arxip, Joker, ---DARBER---, Limonchik, Limonchelo, ARTEM, ---artem---, EbaSosik, Zadrot, sniper, maga90, MIXA, mozas_091, TaLiBaN, 333426432432, andreu, Vadimshik080, miha, SaD_BoY, kirdon7, Pit_Bull66, ks, DeaDPool, 1111, 777, 657, ghost, SevenSeven7, egor, 666, kakahka, CID_0, Killer228, lol, A1000, CID_23, CID_6, CID_20, p90, 333, SHOCKER, Vovan, DEUS, 78, AGENT007, A1999000, Hristya, 555, PRIZRAK, SnAkE, 444, KAK_LOXA, 567457, ssd, 677878, 8345764747, @121241, spaydermen, STALKER, 6546456, spidi, sghjjft, 5465, sdfsdf, smerty, 1000j, Robenstern, Sk1llz, DEM, dfgfdg, vlad, Fraerok, Maxom, KraKOV, XXXxxx, ><><><><, ., CID_14, _, UnnamedPlayer, ALili, MEdIk, GoNdoN, GAZ, vbityfg, sdwc, CID_2, zzz, -|-, Yu, Shizanut, futfighv, wqxwqdqwd, fds]]]]]], ,.,.,., FAkiiii, GASHISH, SaMALi, dfhhgfj, fdujaAGH, awefges, RUS gaz prom, erhtre, gg, zrd6ryd, olju98u, CID_12, EVrEI, Egugy, JoPo, ----i----, jaqgq, bhy, EBY, &, *, *=*, -X+X-, /.plp0, AKyla, CID_1, ???, ASUS, Kisa, VaCi, ........., CID_4, lug, Yrod, dyrik, Xrak, lkpoki, ggamer, regyt, cgfdsj, kaCtORJOP, Vac-jOp, CID_9999, Kruca, pixpax, TraxTrax, pax, agfuitf, kjkoiju0, *_*, amuilgtyvbkuhyn, 'kalum, LOxi, wert, jg7g, /.cv, ,.,.,./, kangaro, Cawla, drift41, sOd#Craft, fggh, Swolla

Activity   Hitzones

Bodyparts Your Kills Your Deaths
torso_lower 3685 (34.22%) 2889 (30.57%)
torso_upper 1634 (15.17%) 1210 (12.80%)
head 1228 (11.40%) 906 (9.59%)
Total Disruption 803 (7.46%) 1262 (13.35%)
left_leg_upper 633 (5.88%) 668 (7.07%)
right_leg_upper 615 (5.71%) 688 (7.28%)
right_arm_lower 364 (3.38%) 238 (2.52%)
left_arm_upper 343 (3.18%) 195 (2.06%)
right_arm_upper 275 (2.55%) 228 (2.41%)
left_leg_lower 271 (2.52%) 286 (3.03%)
left_arm_lower 252 (2.34%) 215 (2.28%)
right_leg_lower 224 (2.08%) 257 (2.72%)
neck 216 (2.01%) 179 (1.89%)
left_hand 90 (0.84%) 73 (0.77%)
right_foot 50 (0.46%) 63 (0.67%)
left_foot 45 (0.42%) 65 (0.69%)
right_hand 42 (0.39%) 28 (0.30%)
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Accuracy (you hit the red parts more frequently)
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