Include aliases  
Topskill Ranking 176
Skill 530.9
Kills 13432
Deaths 22965
Ratio 0.58
Kill Assists 0
Total skill gained 0.00
Rounds 1812
Longest winning streak 21
Longest losing streak 60
Team kills 449
Team deaths 885
Suicides 0
XLRstatsID: 7791 B3-ID: @121187
Personal statistics of Axl Rose

Axl Rose was first registered by B3 on 6 July 2014, 22:27 EDT,
connected 760 times,
was last seen playing on 12 June 2024, 9:59 EDT,
and has not registered with B3 yet!
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Axl Rose is connecting from: Italy Italy.

Known aliases for this player are:
Hentes, pcgamer12, Atheem, Zoli???, ZIDH, d1b9, [ID] ZIDH, HiivinCZ, <=|FoX|=>, deathstrike, Ispanico_88, Skillzin, MumuS, Dante719, -kratozz-, JasonBrody91, RELIC, adebc, Hidden Master, Sunkoo, Hoduz, Morswin, B, DKKorbicka, Protasio, eszed a keft, Nidoking, MZ_123, MAC, Incrimoss, kufi, ngoni, Barista, #.Niqht, sajad, siposur, antony, Demon'sHead, LUCKYYY, XDLoLBreaD, Miiguell, Masochista, SANDVIC, silent shadow, LordCRW, Patrik, assistman, Rusty, Vajas Adam, Cela, ARE YOU READY?, MONk, Uplayedhowashit, SER Miiguell, Hays, BoomPanes, kamzi, Monika, #silent shadow#, [TRINI]KING, [TRINI]ROSHAN, Vassili, qwe, [TRINI]ROSHAN;7o8lukjytrewqDFAG, Remington, lava, JUNHA, Tom, [TRINI]K!NG, leoGamer, MOHAMMED-AAA, FIREPHONIEX, |silent shadow|, 23, |FNRP| Silent, GodrakCZ, spooky, Alin, TneeN, asd, Howwl, FeelNoWays, eyan, Kabudo, cristian, Stefan, CID_19, Mr. NoMove, sD|Silent., [HHGT]nokedlii, ISIS, DrDoom, Steve, Bahubali, Fantasmon, Anies WisEdan, PabloMP, VassiliZaitsev, [V]IPE[R], Dylan, NO_mikal, Fazek, Damon, gillo-228, pocholo, Kirito, JTS, chodejnr, Sargent Scar, boomin, Mimarido, Hello there, Gaz, Slice, AIDO, CHODE, dwadWA, Nicola, massimo, sotek, -=MASSIMO=-, Lorenzo, Nico, Tiger Jack, JangiHora, Yamalll, KillerCHEVAP, Wojtas, Luigipapa, Axl Rose, 2aNdmgADZO

Activity   Hitzones

Bodyparts Your Kills Your Deaths
torso_lower 3939 (29.33%) 6980 (30.39%)
torso_upper 1785 (13.29%) 2941 (12.81%)
Total Disruption 1757 (13.08%) 2729 (11.88%)
head 1436 (10.69%) 2250 (9.80%)
right_leg_upper 868 (6.46%) 1530 (6.66%)
left_leg_upper 839 (6.25%) 1652 (7.19%)
left_leg_lower 477 (3.55%) 766 (3.34%)
right_arm_lower 393 (2.93%) 638 (2.78%)
right_leg_lower 368 (2.74%) 737 (3.21%)
left_arm_lower 342 (2.55%) 634 (2.76%)
right_arm_upper 296 (2.20%) 535 (2.33%)
left_arm_upper 295 (2.20%) 546 (2.38%)
neck 252 (1.88%) 461 (2.01%)
left_foot 127 (0.95%) 158 (0.69%)
left_hand 114 (0.85%) 182 (0.79%)
right_foot 97 (0.72%) 133 (0.58%)
right_hand 47 (0.35%) 93 (0.40%)
Watch your cover and aim for deadly hitzones on your opponents!
Accuracy (you hit the red parts more frequently)
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