Include aliases  
Topskill Ranking n.a.
Skill 412.8
Kills 12453
Deaths 29026
Ratio 0.43
Kill Assists 0
Total skill gained 0.00
Rounds 1723
Longest winning streak 14
Longest losing streak 44
Team kills 28
Team deaths 85
Suicides 0
XLRstatsID: 11596 B3-ID: @130102
Personal statistics of DON DADA

DON DADA was first registered by B3 on 10 September 2014, 2:24 EDT,
connected 1379 times,
was last seen playing on 9 November 2023, 19:46 EST,
and has not registered with B3 yet!
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DON DADA is connecting from: China China.

Known aliases for this player are:
Cocacola, BATMAN, Zer0, Bilbo Swaggins, Mike, Ebolo, [ ], LET IT GO, littlerabbit, shion, Alex, sekander, jElLo, NathanWazana, Myles, Trump, Oscar, YouBoreMe, nerfgun, DestroyPussy, CID_12, Fangwei, GGOCHU BITER, fatdog, Caramel, The King, thepanthaboy, Shaneeeeey, Wizarddudo, PonyJoe, PaarthRogue1, T-PRO, reaper, Tommy, =KYS= T-PRO, Yourself, 2+2, =AG= ACOGMASTER, CID_2, CID 8, Your girlfriend, Junyoung, eREKTed, JADEN, BigBoi, =KYS= UNREAL, goff-god, Anderman, JaZZ, Sunshine, =KYS= Blue, Blue, Rats, Fangshwei, _, daddy123, __x__, fatdag, KIWI BOSS, PTS-fatdog, Alphaboss, GANGGANG, Faze SNiping, TAC_Leviathan, TAC_SNiping, TAC_Senti, TAC_Senti;sorry i didn, Naton, domdude639, febreezdrink, Kanye East, FLIPPY_J, Nico, LittleCheese, CheeseWheel, PUNEEt, Patty, Elsa, alan, indeniaal, nigger, ChrisYeeter, Jeage Tohnson, Gucci Pink, babyyygirl, Gucci Pink;whats goood pimp, TAC_SNiping;bye, ASS n Tities, Aches, atlfaze, opticla, Kuavo, scumpy, Noob, [NJ]BottomFrag, Barkov, Gucci Pink;he carries me dawg, Ashleyxoxo, Kidbu, Kidbuu, FUCKNIGGER, Tay-K, IRapeLittleKids, RAPEioseftrasov, Mia Khalifa, CID!3, ioseftarasov, SeanLee, imusingtrackpad, the_sanchize, DON DADA, DON DA, ALPHAASSASIN, TuMamaEnTanga, ALPHA, DON, DON DADA;

Activity   Hitzones

Bodyparts Your Kills Your Deaths
torso_lower 3664 (29.42%) 8701 (29.98%)
torso_upper 1859 (14.93%) 3491 (12.03%)
head 1587 (12.74%) 2301 (7.93%)
Total Disruption 936 (7.52%) 3575 (12.32%)
left_leg_upper 778 (6.25%) 2279 (7.85%)
right_leg_upper 754 (6.05%) 2224 (7.66%)
left_leg_lower 444 (3.57%) 1036 (3.57%)
right_arm_upper 369 (2.96%) 705 (2.43%)
right_arm_lower 366 (2.94%) 766 (2.64%)
right_leg_lower 364 (2.92%) 970 (3.34%)
left_arm_upper 304 (2.44%) 698 (2.40%)
left_arm_lower 303 (2.43%) 732 (2.52%)
neck 266 (2.14%) 436 (1.50%)
left_foot 96 (0.77%) 196 (0.68%)
right_foot 96 (0.77%) 201 (0.69%)
left_hand 86 (0.69%) 201 (0.69%)
right_hand 54 (0.43%) 123 (0.42%)
Watch your cover and aim for deadly hitzones on your opponents!
Accuracy (you hit the red parts more frequently)
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