Include aliases  
Topskill Ranking 100
Skill 673.7
Kills 483062
Deaths 371178
Ratio 1.30
Kill Assists 17
Total skill gained 8.07
Rounds 23938
Longest winning streak 30
Longest losing streak 77
Team kills 7263
Team deaths 5308
Suicides 0
XLRstatsID: 9112 B3-ID: @125744
Personal statistics of NJ-Turbo

NJ-Turbo was first registered by B3 on 9 August 2014, 21:39 EDT,
connected 5420 times,
was last seen playing on 12 June 2024, 10:13 EDT,
and is known as User.

NJ-Turbo is connecting from: United States United States.

Known aliases for this player are:
TurboX, TurboX;he might be like me and , TurboX;get a uav jammer and see, TurboX;assign knife to side mou, TurboX;netjam is still the best, TurboX;good then i won't have t, TurboX;i rush once in a while, TurboX;, TurboX;i knew tat, TurboX;that sucked but gg !, TurboX;what', TurboX;that, TurboX;doge i would back you up, TurboX;this played like backl, TurboX;you can be a dancer on i, TurboX;l, TurboX;and a nice accent, TurboX;where, TurboX;wait that, TurboX;uh oh it's magic when i, TurboX;he, TurboLover, TurboX;he', TurboLover;yea let me know if y, TurboLover;she asked me what ti, TurboLover;well twice i had p90, TurboLover;that;s weird he, TurboLover;the only thing that, XxXTurboXxX, XxXTurboXxX;i bl, TurboXXXLover, TurboXXXLover;no but just wait , TurboXLover, TurboX;oh it', TurboX;problem is most humans c, TurboX;but they, TurboX;10$ says sworks and rice, TurboX;just ignore him prime, TurboX;yea you're jewish alrigh, The Secret Man, The Secret Man;shhhh it, The Secret Man;i', TurboX;hey bashnslash you might, TurboX;hey BG i heard there's n, TurboX;don't feel bad gryphus h, TurboX;alright NJ put something, TurboX;360 vision yal, TurboX;come to my tent later, TurboX;it', TurboX;cxool, Untimely_Secret, Secretion, TurboX;they, TurboX;hal, TurboSolo, NJ-TurboX, NJ-TurboX;2md fl, NJ-TurboX;, NJ-TurboX;it, NJ-TurboX;wish i was sometimes, NJ-TurboX;thanks.. the saturday, NJ-TurboX;now how abouts hittin, NJ-TurboX;lebron could never wi, NJ-TurboX;no he, Leonidas, NJ-TurboX;a better word to use , NJ-TurboX;looked like SAS for a, NJ-TurboX;that i can be, NJ-TurboX;yea that;, NJ-TurboX;couple through the sm, NJ-TurboX;don't worry a 'lannis, NJ-TurboX;do i need a card for , NJ-TurboX;awww too bad you're n, NJ-TurboX;was it my tunnel, NJ-TurboX;just don't hit f righ, NJ-TurboX;l, NJ-TurboX;careful, NJ-TurboX;i went to fry', NJ-TurboX;don't worry about us , NJ-TurboX;disab, NJ-TurboX;kick SKI, NJ-TurboX;if it's legit it', NJ-TurboX;try a uav jammer, NJ-TurboX;cmon guys let's just , NJ-TurboX;;p, NJ-TurboX;so you'll stop talkin, NJ-TurboX;bonesaw you', NJ-TurboX;thx for also staying , NJ-TurboX;shotty = warrior's gu, NJ-TurboX;nite empress, NJ-TurboX;have a spaz, NJ-TurboX;then select something, NJ-TurboX;hi irene, NJ-TurboX;<< true last kill, NJ-TurboX;au contraire i keep t, NJ-TurboX;hey dot dot guy, mayb, NJ-TurboX;who, NJ-TurboX;xeno that', NJ-TurboX;that, NJ-TurboX;i;m no the admin so y, NJ-TurboX;screenshots going on , NJ-TurboX;mr muetez we know spa, NJ-TurboX;he, NJ-TurboX;gj ningoono, NJ-TurboX;prime if i were you w, NJ-TurboX;i was sarcastic and n, NJ-TurboX;and dorothy, NJ-TurboX;and now to use uav ja, NJ-TurboX;i always ask 'are you, NJ-TurboX;this next map no plac, NJ-TurboX;im gonna camp hard or, NJ-TurboX;and that, NJ-TurboX;yea we usually don't , NJ-TurboX;i remember your score, NJ-TurboX;why aren, NJ-TurboX;jesus its like stalke, NJ-TurboX;no clays, NJ-TurboX;where, NJ-TurboX;got the demo, NJ-TurboX;wow what, NJ-TurboX;pre-alpha, NJ-TurboX;hello fellow non-admi, NJ-TurboX;the thing i posted to, NJ-TurboX;wow irene super camps, NJ-TurboX;good timing ;p, Jackshon, NJ-TurboX;you can approximate s, Check_Meowt, Check_Meowt;no comment just be , Innocent_Bystan, NJ-TurboX;can someone check dea, NJ-TurboX;dang casper i hope yo, Innocent_Bystan;invest in some , Innocent_Bystan;, NJ-TurboX;im also relaxing, Agent_of_Trump, Agent_of_Trump;i'm holding a 'B, Lacka_Aqua, NJ-TurboX;np, NJ-TurboX;how;d that happen?, NJ-TurboX;i can do p90 rush nex, NJ-TurboX;no bother sir, Agent_of_Trump;oh you, Chillaxed, Chillaxed;, NJ-TurboX;use the W key, NJ-TurboX;end score that counts, NJ-TurboX;so yea probably not a, NJ-TurboX;because he, NJ-TurboX;you, NJ-TurboX;and compl, NJ_Turbo, Primal_Prime, Rasta-Vibration, NJ_Turbo;, NJ_Turbo;you, NJ_Turbo;j/k, Tasty_Booger, NJ_Turbo;tubes and martydom are, K@yOS, NJ_Turbo;he, NJ_Turbo;ya;, NJ_Turbo;dudn, NJ_Turbo;then i suggest a googl, NJ_Turbo;i decided not to call , NJ-Turbo_Test, NJ-Turbo_Test;nice prefire, NJ-Turbo_Test;saw you there bef, NJ-Turbo_Test;, NJ-TurboX;can run fast with p, NJ-TurboX;there's your sign, NJ-TurboX;hi babygirl, NJ-TurboX;lol try that on an ad, NJ-Turbo, NJ-Turbo;i think its the nosmok, NJ-Turbo;he, NJ-Turbo;keep using em! you'll, NJ-Turbo;not tracking or turned, NJ-Turbo;you, NJ-Turbo;it's like i tell playe, Turbo, NJ-Turbo;, NJ-Turbo;skse64 is out for skyr, NJ-Turbo;3 miles away, NJ-Turbo;seemed like someone we, NJ-Turbo;thats legit, i have a , NJ-Turbo;it, NJ-Turbo;wow havn, NJ-Turbo;reoccuring theme tonig, NJ-Turbo;kind of gamed out in g, NJ-Turbo;if i was recording him, NJ-Turbo;don't think i didn't n, NJ-Turbo;truth why don, NJ-Turbo;bye bye f, NJ-Turbo;guess we saw that name, NJ-Turbo;but he, NJ-Turbo;i'm glad no one else a, NJ-Turbo;i think this is his ho, NJ-Turbo;,y p, NJ-Turbo;when you think you, NJ-Turbo;no advertising here pl, NJ-Turbo;prone out in the open , NJ-Turbo;soooo. don't worry abo, NJ-Turbo;i just played never DJ, NJ-Turbo;its just that usually , NJ-Turbo;klo, Rogue_Knight, NJ-Turbo;im trying out some new, NJ-Turbo_dreams, NJ-Turbo;hurt me deep, NJ-Turbo;just curious, NJ-Turbo;i guess there's room f, NJ-Turbo;wahhhh;;, NJ-Turbo;thats not a pistol, NJ-Turbo;lucky for someone, NJ-Turbo;i went outside, NJ-Turbo; wasnt, Oliver_Evrett, NJ-Turbo;dont forget to tip the, NJ-Turbo;i, NJ-Turbo;dare to remove me fgro, NJ-Turbo;STIULL MY TINNE, NJ-Turbo;TUNEE, NJ-Turbo;call me daddy it, NJ-Turbo;sure i play with a mcd, NJ-Turbo;let's see how someone , NJ-Turbo;yea but arce, best not, NJ-Turbo;using today, NJ-Turbo;not sure haven', NJ-Turbo;i heard there, NJ-Turbo;i r e p o r t e d somo, NJ-Turbo;there, NJ-Turbo;*You, NJ-Turbo;hyyyikol, NJ-Turbo;din, NJ-Turbo;now it, NJ-Turbo;you knew when i finish, NJ-Turbo;I WALKED THE LINE, DID, NJ-Turbo;oh ok tech industry, NJ-Turbo;;p, NJ-Turbo;ok, NJ-Turbo;yea we pay attention t, NJ-Turbo;sure then i guess this, NJ-Turbo;thanks mam, NJ-Turbo;but ryhmes wit it, NJ-Turbo;just pretend you, NJ-Turbo;you beat a hacker, NJ-Turbo;benjah has nice aim, NJ-Turbo;baby, NJ-Turbo;i don't feel like reco, NJ-Turbo;it wasn, LiLBead, NJ-Turbo;one through left tunne, NJ-Turbo;c, NJ-TURB0, NJ-Turbo;l, NJ-Turbo;friendl, NJ-Turbo;hai, NJ-Turbo;then you know conrad, NJ-Turbo;haio[p, C@t-Fri3nd, NJ-Turbo;hpo, NJ-Turbo;haio, NJ-Turbo;that, NJ-Turbo;that lag increases, NJ-Turbo;you had 'that team, NJ-Turbo;they, RandomKitty, NJ-Turbo;not daddy', NJ-Turbo;,ome gpot, NJ-Turbo;,oimd, NJ-Turbo;gn a;, NJ-Turbo;tat, NJay-Turbo, NJ-Turbo;gn al, NJ-Turbo;[, NJ-Turbo_aMante, NJ-Turbo;gg, NJ-Turbo_aMante;he;, NJ-Turbo;i havn, RopeADope, NJ-Turbo;they', NJ-Turbo;i dont know? cus he, NJ-Turbo;bomb squad, NJ-Turbo;tpptsoe rp;, NJ-Turbo;we, NJ-Turbo;left pocket, NJ-Turbo;anyway glad you, NJ-Turbo;true ;p, NJ-Turbo;yoiu, NJ-Turbow, NJ-Turbo;+++ rea, NJ-Turbo;ggs gn a;, NJ-Turbo;they were like that, NJ-Turbo;yea we're good, NJ-Turbo;now they', Queen Valentina, Slorks_BeeY, John_Birdsong, NJ-Turbo;ns l, NJ-Turbo;gnai', NJ-Turbo;unless you, Loki, NJ-Turbo;in other', NJ-Turbo;so beautiful, NJ-Turbo;got a cod4 scholarship, NJ-Turbo;not so this time, NJ-Turbo;yea, NJ-Turbo;because you', NJ-Turbo;wel, NJ-Turbo;need more w a s d, NJ-Turbo;here', NJ-Turbo;fp got lucky again!, NJ-Turbo;lol, NJ-Turbo;not too far south tho, NJ-Turbo;said it, CollanLunge, NJ-Turbo;i figured, NJ-Turbo;fire first look later, Robocop, NJ-Turbo;shhh i am recording, NJ-Turbo;ggs break time, NJ-Turbo;then you know it', NJ-Turbo;it', NJ-Turbo;quality not quantity, NJ-Turbo;SO here', NJ-Turbo;that'll cost later, NJ-Turbo;enemy, Voin-Rus, KaKaBooty, NJ-Turbo;wpw wa, NJ-Turbo;tunnel, NJ-Turbo;yea but they', NJ-Turbo;the person i recorded, NJ-Turbo;o, NJ-Turbo;= player with class, NJ-Turbo;nope ;p, NJ-Turbo;sure but we, NJ-Turbo;he left, NJ-Turbo;then there, NJ-Turbo;song is real, NJ-Turbo;tgaaaafwekl, NJ-Turbo;final, NJ-Turbo;def., NJ-Turbo;gnai, NJ-Turbo;what, NJ-Turbo;alt tab, NJ-Turbo;behaving for now, NJ-Turbo;ill make sure i tip, NJ-Turbo;i use that too, NJ-Turbo;ghty[, NJ-Turbo;it is for me as well, NJ-Turbo;had full stealth, NJ-Turbo;i said I, NJ-Turbo;hello, NJ-Turbo;gyndbf, DELMARcrudd, NJ-Turbo;so who knows, CARL_WEATHERS, NJ-Turbo;they al, Balsa_Wood, NJ-Turbo;jk thats from a movie, NJ-Turbo;6 here, NJ-Turbo;was a her actually, NJ-Turbo;put in a report cow, NJ-Turbo;ping dont help me, NJ-Turbo;if you believe that, NJ-Turbo;typo intended huh chip, NJ-Turbo;try l, NJ-Turbo;but its local only, NJ-Turbo;or stationary soldiers, NJ-Turbo;maybe thats how, Subaru

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Activity   History   Weapons   Hitzones   Map achievements   Your worst enemies

Your favorite weapons Your Kills Percentage of total kills Your Deaths Your Suicides
P90 Silencer 66071
23604 (6.36%)
M4 Red Dot Sight 50003
60659 (16.34%)
AK-47 41566
42001 (11.32%)
Frag Grenade 33830
25353 (6.83%)
M16 ACOG 29780
674 (0.18%)
M249 SAW Red Dot Sight 22906
5656 (1.52%)
Air Strike 21427
16096 (4.34%)
G3 Silencer 17864
9783 (2.64%)
M4 Silencer 16159
9940 (2.68%)
M60E4 Red Dot Sight 13896
2311 (0.62%)
M4 ACOG 13863
2891 (0.78%)
M16 Silencer 12751
3963 (1.07%)
G36c Red Dot Sight 12020
5374 (1.45%)
RPD Red Dot Sight 10546
5994 (1.61%)
Cobra 20mm 10258
9271 (2.50%)
G3 Reflex 9253
6658 (1.79%)
P90 Red Dot Sight 7398
7246 (1.95%)
Skorpion Silencer 5720
3681 (0.99%)
Desert Eagle Gold 5717
4354 (1.17%)
M60E4 ACOG 5282
341 (0.09%)
Claymore 4949
5684 (1.53%)
AK-47 Reflex 4083
4968 (1.34%)
AK-47 Silencer 3767
4625 (1.25%)
AK-47 ACOG 3138
865 (0.23%)
MP44 3111
1639 (0.44%)
G36c Silencer 3053
1187 (0.32%)
MP5 Silencer 2955
7433 (2.00%)
AK74u Silencer 2915
1420 (0.38%)
P90 2735
1744 (0.47%)
RPD Grip 2687
8819 (2.38%)
RPD 2465
3633 (0.98%)
M249 SAW Grip 2396
881 (0.24%)
Desert Eagle 2024
3203 (0.86%)
M1911 .45 Silencer 1939
568 (0.15%)
Knife 1854
1837 (0.49%)
RPG 1796
4099 (1.10%)
Dragunov 1677
2118 (0.57%)
Skorpion ACOG 1666
39 (0.01%)
SAW Bipod Crouched 1526
844 (0.23%)
AK-74u Red Dot Sight 1438
1197 (0.32%)
M16 Red Dot Sight 1418
9957 (2.68%)
MP5 Red Dot Sight 1386
2734 (0.74%)
AK-74u 1293
3175 (0.86%)
M249 SAW ACOG 1156
795 (0.21%)
Exploding Vehicle 1004
722 (0.19%)
M21 950
8773 (2.36%)
Mini-Uzi Red Dot Sight 893
418 (0.11%)
MP5 806
3732 (1.01%)
W1200 741
694 (0.19%)
M1014 740
657 (0.18%)
MP5 ACOG 700
84 (0.02%)
M14 Red Dot Sight 665
1343 (0.36%)
M40A3 658
6991 (1.88%)
M14 Silencer 651
373 (0.10%)
M249 SAW 632
2485 (0.67%)
Barrett .50cal 581
1922 (0.52%)
155 (0.04%)
G36c ACOG 446
279 (0.08%)
G3 ACOG 419
172 (0.05%)
G36c 406
547 (0.15%)
Mini-Uzi ACOG 398
54 (0.01%)
M60E4 Grip 396
369 (0.10%)
M14 ACOG 331
173 (0.05%)
Mini-Uzi Silencer 294
1005 (0.27%)
SAW Bipod Standing 271
163 (0.04%)
M4 269
2372 (0.64%)
M1014 Grip 221
402 (0.11%)
M1014 Red Dot Sight 199
420 (0.11%)
R700 186
1656 (0.45%)
M21 ACOG 179
393 (0.11%)
M40A3 ACOG 161
379 (0.10%)
M9 153
805 (0.22%)
W1200 Grip 138
174 (0.05%)
Stun Grenade 137
396 (0.11%)
M16 130
2554 (0.69%)
Barrett .50cal ACOG 118
179 (0.05%)
P90 ACOG 101
142 (0.04%)
Mini-Uzi 96
783 (0.21%)
AK-74u ACOG 84
69 (0.02%)
M9 Silencer 80
1240 (0.33%)
Dragunov ACOG 71
227 (0.06%)
Default Weapon 55
50 (0.01%)
G3 38
1252 (0.34%)
M1911 .45 38
542 (0.15%)
USP .45 34
687 (0.19%)
C4 33
401 (0.11%)
Falling 26
15 (0.00%)
USP .45 Silencer 25
797 (0.21%)
Bad luck... 25
37 (0.01%)
Cobra Rocket 25
18 (0.00%)
W1200 Red Dot Sight 20
144 (0.04%)
Skorpion 19
637 (0.17%)
R700 ACOG 18
62 (0.02%)
Skorpion Red Dot Sight 17
366 (0.10%)
HIND Rocket 14
15 (0.00%)
M60E4 12
406 (0.11%)
Smoke Grenade 9
1 (0.00%)
Flash Grenade 5
1 (0.00%)
Brick Blaster 5
13 (0.00%)
M14 4
206 (0.06%)
Grenade Launcher
2 (0.00%)
M16 Grenade Launcher
1 (0.00%)
Extra skillpoints are awarded for bashing, killing with pistols and other difficult weapons!
Bodyparts Your Kills Your Deaths
torso_lower 141093 (29.21%) 111412 (30.02%)
Total Disruption 63050 (13.05%) 52417 (14.12%)
torso_upper 56224 (11.64%) 42016 (11.32%)
head 44590 (9.23%) 31476 (8.48%)
left_leg_upper 36151 (7.48%) 28406 (7.65%)
right_leg_upper 33808 (7.00%) 25025 (6.74%)
left_leg_lower 17946 (3.72%) 13791 (3.72%)
right_leg_lower 16042 (3.32%) 12317 (3.32%)
right_arm_lower 12597 (2.61%) 9503 (2.56%)
left_arm_lower 12300 (2.55%) 8885 (2.39%)
left_arm_upper 12235 (2.53%) 8657 (2.33%)
right_arm_upper 11338 (2.35%) 7869 (2.12%)
neck 7774 (1.61%) 6150 (1.66%)
right_foot 4078 (0.84%) 3229 (0.87%)
left_foot 4075 (0.84%) 3181 (0.86%)
left_hand 3562 (0.74%) 2495 (0.67%)
right_hand 1954 (0.40%) 1319 (0.36%)
right_le 0 1 (0.00%)
Watch your cover and aim for deadly hitzones on your opponents!
Accuracy (you hit the red parts more frequently)
Hover your mouse over the player model for more details
Map Rounds Kills Deaths Suicides Team kills Team deaths
Vacant 1865 43807 (9.07%) 35127 (9.46%) 0 607 (8.36%) 400 (7.54%)
Crossfire 1942 40279 (8.34%) 32105 (8.65%) 0 550 (7.57%) 436 (8.21%)
Bog 1560 35626 (7.38%) 26830 (7.23%) 0 632 (8.70%) 464 (8.74%)
Backlot 1894 34995 (7.24%) 27316 (7.36%) 0 453 (6.24%) 303 (5.71%)
City Streets 1726 34546 (7.15%) 26676 (7.19%) 0 535 (7.37%) 363 (6.84%)
China Town 1728 34181 (7.08%) 26370 (7.10%) 0 452 (6.22%) 306 (5.76%)
Crash 1684 33522 (6.94%) 26264 (7.08%) 0 506 (6.97%) 344 (6.48%)
Strike 1704 32881 (6.81%) 24815 (6.69%) 0 464 (6.39%) 387 (7.29%)
Convoy 1629 31343 (6.49%) 24458 (6.59%) 0 584 (8.04%) 500 (9.42%)
Broadcast 1581 31168 (6.45%) 23409 (6.31%) 0 396 (5.45%) 299 (5.63%)
Pipeline 1535 30311 (6.27%) 20066 (5.41%) 0 527 (7.26%) 319 (6.01%)
Bloc 1536 25828 (5.35%) 18609 (5.01%) 0 392 (5.40%) 310 (5.84%)
Overgrown 1544 21982 (4.55%) 15583 (4.20%) 0 555 (7.64%) 391 (7.37%)
Showdown 984 21292 (4.41%) 17555 (4.73%) 0 241 (3.32%) 209 (3.94%)
Wet Work 300 9049 (1.87%) 6891 (1.86%) 0 127 (1.75%) 101 (1.90%)
Killhouse 303 8176 (1.69%) 8000 (2.16%) 0 24 (0.33%) 18 (0.34%)
Shipment 115 3791 (0.78%) 3342 (0.90%) 0 10 (0.14%) 5 (0.09%)
Creek 95 2078 (0.43%) 1744 (0.47%) 0 39 (0.54%) 21 (0.40%)
Countdown 79 1786 (0.37%) 1156 (0.31%) 0 47 (0.65%) 22 (0.41%)
Down Pour 75 1446 (0.30%) 1118 (0.30%) 0 12 (0.17%) 9 (0.17%)
Winter Crash 59 730 (0.15%) 715 (0.19%) 0 9 (0.12%) 1 (0.02%)
Click the mapname to see who does well on this map
Your worst enemies Your Deaths Your Kills Your K/D Ratio
den555 17399 (4.69%) 29835 (6.18%) 1.71
Habesof 5049 (1.36%) 8054 (1.67%) 1.60
sC| Hightower 4284 (1.15%) 2988 (0.62%) 0.70
[D.K] Jesus 4243 (1.14%) 8218 (1.70%) 1.94
NJM-PIG 3307 (0.89%) 1912 (0.40%) 0.58
NJA-Sgt_JD 3049 (0.82%) 2325 (0.48%) 0.76
Jeff 3033 (0.82%) 5572 (1.15%) 1.84
Poet 3014 (0.81%) 3036 (0.63%) 1.01
TheKnife 2402 (0.65%) 4491 (0.93%) 1.87
*PR!ME* 2340 (0.63%) 1099 (0.23%) 0.47
rumesh 2135 (0.58%) 3216 (0.67%) 1.51
Hamas 2127 (0.57%) 2331 (0.48%) 1.10
borg gush 2043 (0.55%) 4076 (0.84%) 2.00
Who's your worst enemy?