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Topskill Ranking n.a.
Skill 562.6
Kills 2595
Deaths 3819
Ratio 0.68
Kill Assists 0
Total skill gained 0.00
Rounds 249
Longest winning streak 12
Longest losing streak 20
Team kills 127
Team deaths 125
Suicides 0
XLRstatsID: 9662 B3-ID: @121770
Personal statistics of sudheera

sudheera was first registered by B3 on 11 July 2014, 19:00 EDT,
connected 148 times,
was last seen playing on 24 August 2023, 23:01 EDT,
and has not registered with B3 yet!
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Known aliases for this player are:
EasternCHOKE, Xool, xristosbmk, kelvin, HHT, AutoAim, Jack_Off, Legend__, LolCats, ahmedaljbory, The_Hammer, R.O.A.D, King Jemi, your fker, IvAn, SilentStorm, Lubach, SilentStorm[NL], Ganja Gun, Cobra, CoBraT, Roel-Jan, Roel Jan, Enzio, SACHA -NFD, Weazel, paulus jacobotu, Ganja, Ak-slo, Spermwhale, butANAL, Danil0, Max Verstappen, Pewds, Fusion, Ether, Mrs.Sexual, Sexy Maureen, K. Stoner, J. Cash, V. Rossi, M. Rutte, everyone, Lt. Collins, General Lee, allaho akbar, Rubberduck, Spriditis, Feraligatr, Kazansky, GangsterBoy9, Eldert, abich, malamandreee, Viros_BC, ><_><, CID_2, sD|K!NG., PiPou, ONLYFAIZAN1, panda, ALA, AsD, SACHA, Fafa, Mridh, wpt-_______, tHEkINg, Cari Ponnaya

Activity   Hitzones

Bodyparts Your Kills Your Deaths
torso_lower 825 (31.79%) 1088 (28.49%)
torso_upper 382 (14.72%) 543 (14.22%)
head 297 (11.45%) 380 (9.95%)
Total Disruption 186 (7.17%) 482 (12.62%)
left_leg_upper 156 (6.01%) 277 (7.25%)
right_leg_upper 147 (5.66%) 254 (6.65%)
right_arm_upper 100 (3.85%) 75 (1.96%)
left_arm_lower 85 (3.28%) 90 (2.36%)
right_arm_lower 79 (3.04%) 97 (2.54%)
left_arm_upper 78 (3.01%) 100 (2.62%)
left_leg_lower 73 (2.81%) 119 (3.12%)
neck 56 (2.16%) 78 (2.04%)
right_leg_lower 52 (2.00%) 116 (3.04%)
left_hand 23 (0.89%) 30 (0.79%)
right_hand 20 (0.77%) 23 (0.60%)
left_foot 18 (0.69%) 39 (1.02%)
right_foot 18 (0.69%) 28 (0.73%)
Watch your cover and aim for deadly hitzones on your opponents!
Accuracy (you hit the red parts more frequently)
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