Include aliases  
Topskill Ranking n.a.
Skill 640.5
Kills 5143
Deaths 14632
Ratio 0.35
Kill Assists 0
Total skill gained 0.00
Rounds 901
Longest winning streak 33
Longest losing streak 61
Team kills 147
Team deaths 449
Suicides 0
XLRstatsID: 8307 B3-ID: @132701
Personal statistics of Garcia35

Garcia35 was first registered by B3 on 3 October 2014, 5:09 EDT,
connected 293 times,
was last seen playing on 8 February 2021, 18:59 EST,
and has not registered with B3 yet!
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Garcia35 is connecting from: Mexico Mexico.

Known aliases for this player are:
ByronDS, Lunatiko, luisdaniel16, ! MU3rt3, Joshua, R3H4B, ! MU3rt3, max121, Gamer, Duffman, theDavid, Lanzens, jits, The-David-, Yolo_Weed, ANONYMOUS GT, ByWolf, NOVATO, chapulin, HeatleGamer, julio, cyberlan19, RedHawk, YOYOYOU, SPECTRO, jULIAN004, julian, Tanque700, NEVERIOUS, InfinityModern, srgato, Aaron, @132701, CID_6, RARERIRO, CM'Lavi, UnnamedPlayer, A A A LOL, Ochoa

Activity   Hitzones

Bodyparts Your Kills Your Deaths
torso_lower 1359 (26.42%) 4506 (30.80%)
Total Disruption 965 (18.76%) 2086 (14.26%)
torso_upper 599 (11.65%) 1841 (12.58%)
head 586 (11.39%) 1388 (9.49%)
right_leg_upper 319 (6.20%) 1014 (6.93%)
left_leg_upper 315 (6.12%) 1003 (6.85%)
left_leg_lower 219 (4.26%) 467 (3.19%)
right_leg_lower 178 (3.46%) 389 (2.66%)
right_arm_lower 119 (2.31%) 363 (2.48%)
left_arm_lower 99 (1.92%) 364 (2.49%)
right_arm_upper 94 (1.83%) 319 (2.18%)
left_arm_upper 83 (1.61%) 305 (2.08%)
neck 80 (1.56%) 258 (1.76%)
left_foot 44 (0.86%) 91 (0.62%)
right_foot 41 (0.80%) 73 (0.50%)
left_hand 29 (0.56%) 102 (0.70%)
right_hand 14 (0.27%) 63 (0.43%)
Watch your cover and aim for deadly hitzones on your opponents!
Accuracy (you hit the red parts more frequently)
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