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      Server Time:   (Tuesday 2nd of July 2024 08:09:28 AM)
 Address  Map  Playing  Rounds  Players  Killed  Headshots  HpK
 United States NET-JAM.com (HARDCORE)Server version: 1.7ish Backlot (war) 19/22 (24) 397837 12783 69647325 9465664 0.1359

Currently playing (19 Players)   
Lp. Nick ScoreCountry Level Connections
Marines / S.A.S. (9)
2Li.310ChinaCracked Key358
3Saleh250RomaniaCracked Key106
4Hawk Tuah202PhilippinesCracked Key2127
5BlackBeard190Cracked Key20
6[MV]Chris.FR174FranceNot registered226
7spanner100ChinaCracked Key272
8Bego0IndonesiaCracked Key22
9UCGEN0TurkeyCracked Key40
OpFor / Spetznaz (9)
1119230ChinaCracked Key2829
2SkullLP214Cracked Key5244
3Wizardmaster D.140CanadaCracked Key345
4Hamas120ChinaCracked Key15083
5pirate-7690Cracked Key232526
6Maxblunders70United KingdomNot registered1
7wuwu42ChinaNot registered3
8revenquel-qrqru20TurkeyCracked Key24
9taquila_wu0ChinaCracked Key274
Spectators (1)
1Walker0Sri LankaCracked Key17561

Top 25 Skill Top 25 Kills Top 25 Ratio Top 13 Weapons Top 13 Maps
Top 13 Weapons with most Kills
Place Name View Total Kills
1M4 Red Dot Sight15288158
3P90 Silencer6115859
4Frag Grenade5816820
5Air Strike4350681
6G3 Silencer2627665
7M16 Red Dot Sight2549637
9M4 Silencer2412630
11Cobra 20mm2244030
12RPD Grip2240327
13MP5 Silencer2169650
Click on the weapon to see its stats!
<<   <   2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  >   >>

Our award winners
Pro Medals
Close Combat Pistol Hero
Kills p/r:  7.15 
Most pistol kills per round

Head Hunter
Headshots:  18% 
Highest headshot percentage

Nade killer
Nade kills p/r:  3.32 
Most nade kills per round

Super Sniper
Kills p/r:  8.01 
Most sniper kills per round

Serial Killer
Win streak:  237 
Best Killstreak

Top these players to win an award!

Our shame award winners
Shame Medals
Shave me please!
Knife deaths p/r:  0.37 
NJSA-HR- Cyph3r
Most knife deaths per round

Eyes Wide Shut!
Teamkills p/r:  0.88 
NJSA-HR- Cyph3r
Most Teamkills per round

Accidental Hero
::  Award Still Available :: 

Most accidental deaths per round

Send Joey, he'll do anything!
Teamdeaths p/r:  0.82 
NJSA-HR- Cyph3r
Most Teamdeaths per round

Deaths by vehicle p/r:  0.07 
Most deaths by exploding vehicle per round

Not try not to be on top here