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G36c Grenade Launcher
Total Kills1440
Total Team kills34
Total Suicides0
We need a good description for this weapon. Are you willing to help us out? Send your description to XLRstats. Thanks in advance!

Playerstats for this weapon
Player Kills Deaths Suicides Team kills Team deaths
Vampire 87 (6.04%) 23 (1.60%)
Assassin 69 (4.79%)
BOB 51 (3.54%) 1 (0.07%)
tomoo 43 (2.99%)
Tom 43 (2.99%) 2 (0.14%)
johnno911 28 (1.94%) 2 (0.14%) 1 (2.94%)
Mojo 28 (1.94%)
CPR 27 (1.88%) 2 (0.14%)
You need at least 25 kills/suicides with this weapon to appear on this list!