Include aliases  
Topskill Ranking 48
Skill 761.2
Kills 183812
Deaths 147268
Ratio 1.25
Kill Assists 430
Total skill gained 182.91
Rounds 6707
Longest winning streak 33
Longest losing streak 22
Team kills 37
Team deaths 30
Suicides 0
XLRstatsID: 12247 B3-ID: @229233
Personal statistics of chess flute

chess flute was first registered by B3 on 15 November 2019, 21:41 EST,
connected 2280 times,
was last seen playing on 8 June 2024, 20:00 EDT,
and is known as User.

chess flute is connecting from: United States United States.

Known aliases for this player are:
Stefanie Brutal, Befanie Strutal, sueprhakcr, slalomeat, Plastic Spoon, rattattat, Toenailbomb, ratatatt, Frack Bliday, Raketen Peter, Der Uboot, Babayaga, the fertilizer, plastic.spoon, Bezo's Wig, fleischpfeife, Der Rakete, undoo -_ _-, Nepomuk, #ChaseHarmony, glitterfart .*, Crush >>Amazon, glitterfart, glatterfirt, glatterfirt.+, glitterfart .*;, Dr. Melee Drgnv, RPGrande, DreamLoveKiss, fatterglirt .*, Spandexplosion, ActionPizzaMan, The Sun, Thomas3000, AdBlocker, Vegetarget, Discombobulator, Feinkost, Dr. Croissant, DJ Baguette, rummelpuff, pooploop, Mondo Calzone, 56KBit Modem, Kitlorisikonami, Slody Bam, toRPGedo, Propagandalf, Propagandalf;like a Buick, Propagandalf;my poop, Kuchenmann, Tooth Fairy, cat licker, Toyota Corolla, AUTO-CLIMB, Pelenope Cruise, ACAB, Eat the rich, dialmond|IV, Beautyful Hors, Riotampon, Riot Riot Riot!, Toyota Caramba, Wednesday man, $uperglue 1312, Air Bee N Bee, zichelTrip, magiclitoris.*, Biutifull Hors, Heroin Pizza, 0 Donuts 4 COPS, Heroin.Light, Pizza Missle, FREE ROCKETS!!, FREE Rockets, pubic hairnemy, veiny eyeball, Duracellphoney, Amazon Giftcard, Roses & Farts, FastForward>>, PadThailien, Toenail Pizza, El Rocketo Boom, Byitufull hors, VanillaOatLatte, Hobby: Rockets, To the CHOPPER!, strawberry nose, Vitamix 3000, Pubicrosshair, sipptritter, puffmutti, False Idol, Dwarf Waitor, dwarfare, sausau, Epic Wet Fart, Holosausage, Target Lady -*, LeeKingButWHole, Nuclear Eyebrow, Dr. Dildorado, James Blankow, MC Butterfly, Hyper Sniper, Confused Sniper, Raised by RPGs, Barbiturate man, Lee King TyTTy, Dr., Bjutifull hors, Snake wrangler, Snake Strangler, Target Lady .*, Enternit, Bifurcation, Seven Eleven, 7even E11even, Wi-Fi cable, Limpingz Kid, Electro Ravioli, Attack Fighter!, Power of Laugh, Press, TE/7/70/7.*, Amiga500, Bjutiful Hors, Space Pencil, Troll Toaster, Softbeastmode, Tour de Farce, Walmart Greeter, Wasabi Cocain, Bad Breath, Rambazamba, Nicolaz Kadge, a compliment, Kitten Rainbow, Dull Sharpie, hrhr - sharpie, norisk nofun, Permascoper, Drunk Tourguide, fake tour guide, Eros Rambazamba, Drugcula, Wedding Cake, Terror Sponge, Risk = Reward, Mo Risk tgg, Copaganda, rambazamba.RPG, club.Soda, Post-it note, Slowscope, Crystal Math=2, Crystal Math=2;(, Smartfridge3000, PowerPoint 2003, Vitamix450SL, Combatbucha, Palermo Ratscha, LeeKingN!pple, Lettuce Bomber, DichtesDickicht, ASMR farts, Pajama Pajama, tax return, wet socks, too small font, alt. facts, vote!, anti|pro, Die Rakete, Why O' Lance, Sticks & Fries, OleeeeeOleee, FilthLvl:Amber, Sweatlvl: Amber, Amber Alert, Arpee G, Buratino 3000, socks from eBay, Loopo Ferrors, Bezo's Wing, .SALE. RPG!!, Monsieur RPG, toyota corolla;L, gluecifer 30ml, gluecifer 666ml, HIMEM.SYS 38KB, Wendy's Wrath, Pantyliner, selectionight, Joenald Brumpen, Sloth machine, Frau Holle, Sloth Machine;l, toenail_reg.xls, meat slapper, Out Of Office, Dr. Crot, Lavender Candle, Autotune Wizard, RPG Wizard, Erotik Hotline, $5 - RPG Coupon, bowel movement, 16MB USB Stick, Sim Card Trick, LSD Pringles, Action Troll, Call of Putin, Remote Control, Televangelist, Gym Teacher, funny smell, just one round!, stuffed frog, check the house, Vaccinema, Vegan Bloodcake, trumpoline park, vaseline helmet, tear gas teddy, winter solstice, old panty liner, M4-RedDot-Lol, M4KP90, Make up artist, soup hands, Zoo Pants, Slanta Cause, RPG-spot, wrong button, lord lipstick, love and kisses, koala sausage, a gym teacher, RPG artist, RPG artist;nnasedfgoihnasrg, zebra smoothie, RPG artist;get it? (, last cake, the last cake, toe nail jam, Super Malaria, Dr. Flu Manchu, Flamingo-gore, Goose Strangler, $2 KATSCHIING, $2 *katschiing*, poop whistle, a gentle idiot, wedding cake;(o, period cramps, task manager, task manager;(, left nostril, Checkout Button, plastic knife, KiaSupreme, Dolly Party On, nihilism, elevator fart, DJ BOOSTER SHOT, ++ATM++ATM++, Abso Lutely, party nipple, Kimg Kombra, Public Hair, El Balalaika, Kimg Kombrta, Kimg Kombrrra, old shrimps, slowl, screenshot, M4RedDotzZzz, Beff Jezos, Cheap Hardware, fake gravity, La Kroy, Average Rage, AverRage, AveRage, No more kings, Klimat Chainsh, Rundolphin Red, MachineGunDisco, Special Expert., Take Fits!, City of the Day, LandofPlenty, Lando, Keta Quest, Cola Boy, Dick & Quirty, No Regert, Bladderblast, Scrotom of Hell, Gorbachevs Rage, Mega virtuell3D, Weapon of Kill, hold my cape, wet water, cat.ether, sunset, TomServo, tatatarget, Beso's Wig, Ad break, Diaper SALE, autoexec.bat, rpg of the day, Red Pig Green, Rat Pig Goose, Dr. RPG, RPG of the day;l, Rocket Luncher, Rocket Luncher;nice ... I';, rocket allergy, RPG aller-G, RPG Tutor, SuperClit, SuperClitx2, Rpg Maestro, Prince of RPG, Stickshift, TNT Fishing, Betty MagicBong, #Kaady Car Wash, The ART of RPG, Spectral Toe, LyftSlork, soft legs, very soft legs, ROCKET SCIENCE, rocket signs, pelvis presley, chinese balloon, spy balloon, china balloon, Taylor Jackson, glue gunner, soft couch, El Rocceto, Chinese Respect, German Hoden, big spoon, Cillit Bang, Chinese Wall, Lobster Party, Lord of Lobster, the toad licker, Sgt_Paper, 1-KILL wonder, 2 Kill wonder, 3 Kill wonder, 4 Kill Wonder, 5 KILL wonder, 6 KILL WONDER, Fantasy Love, BlizzardWizzard, probe finger, funny uncle, The Mentalorian, pimple dart, lazer nipple, bunch of clowns, bag of clowns, camomille, detox diet, dragan scovic, read the manual, low profile, ancient grain, soft tissue, yelllow plllow, much aim, feet feel feed, back flap, coin flip, Bezos Wig, Sandpaper, tinfoil hat, United Salad Co, mascoolinest, Popoklatsche, 9 bullets later, rien ne va plus, mouse pad man, foodgrade poop, foodgrade lead, mouse pad thai, sodocumentary, sodoku mentary, USB-D 2024, brain diet, clown hunter, bullet allergy, golden faucet, super pokemon, SMOKE SALE, shower curtain, spanish fly, addictionary, computer gamer, bible boy, rent a bible, beer taifun, pokemon fan man, Ultrasnorkel, Holy Karate, when in rome, auto-assigned, Nigerian Prince, Velvet Vuvuzela, velcro veteran, temple of joy, server time out, Crosshaircut, eat meater, target nudraliz, taghetNudralize, taagetNudralize, targetNudelized, anti war hole, velcro nipple, ninja bus trip, rocket lounger, sellfie stikk, smoke detector, jhonny macaroni, sssnakesss, coffeeenema, credit debt, airplane man, shoe thing star, red barrel, wet paint, low kill bob, bingo lotto, erotic wizzzard, Ron DeSatanis, toyota corolla, cerial ciller, Count Dragunov, bottom line, tantrantula, Cillit Bang, waist land, Toni Barcelona, Critical Mess, speedt rap, R.P.G. Oleeee, el explosivo, garage sale, cat nip, cat nipple, lukewarm up, selfie stick, auto climb, romantic killer, everyone laughs, XL butt slapper, Leadershipwreck, erotic bulb, low perforator, dry eyes, dry'eyes, Grinderella, tony barcelona, cruelty free, ad blocker, kevlar socks, kolbenfresser, jaZZN, boynanza, sun flour, hotel sun flour, penguinital, chatty talkohol, zetti knusper, tar zen, tobsucht, sun flour oyl, purple mic, proAllergies, proAllergies;fiuuiuicsa, spoon man, ballalaikatataa, tom paint, barracuda man, barracuda man--, rabies 4 babies, rabies4babies, de odor ant, mom mom, maniok OK, extra average, Ave Rage, Clitzilla, el calzone, sun flour*, blomo, lepra da, wet towel, but trocket, foreskin head, sandpapercondom, Walm Artist, palettini04, bubble wrap, curt curtain, cringe mob, head and toe, wavy cap, mONEy$, raised by moms, raised by beer, braincoatmeal, cilvil warr, very slow fart, enterprenneur, bissinesspartnr, suckxesz, earth men, nepo||muk, knatterschlange, tro||o||o!, Lesbian Dad, joyce tick, anhyzer, activate Stalin, tigerBolmb, coco|oco, pet chop boy, abc4, door knoob, flesh beng, group hug, Call Of Duty 69, flush bung, flish bing, flosh bong, techno viking, floush boung, fliish biing, pinewindows, dolphin rider, dino kale, Str+Alt+??, Str+Alt+??;move bil, stray penguin, lethargy, Str+Alt+Rpg, 3=> .rpg. 3=>, ( }- - - look, ( }- - - look;oioioijfsedgl, may shin gan, may shin gan;lolasde', mah shien ganh, foot poisinging, poi poi poi, vegan barber, .:jiIl!lIij:., narwal burger, Royal Toy Boy, casual sniper, nuntendo, irnon warriror, iorn warriror, iren warior, Ferari diver, nife an spoon, nayf & spuhn, kai piranha, uncredible hilk, dolfin rider, meth teacher, meth teacher;, waisted youth, senior umbrella, rodent removal, cross-eyed, lame aim, space bartender, drink more beer, slouch surfer, Walmart Orphan, Panininini, clown rage, cool rapper, wallpaper hack, wallhackpaper, united statgeds, united statgeds;(, coca kola, top hat hobo, ferari divrer, mullti kil, el hombre cool, vermicelli man, vermicelli man;l, dollar $tore, shrimp beer, bulgarian miner, sniperteur, canon church, hail satnan, CHUD-GPT6.9, tickle fighter, tickle fingers, ph-neutral, fer-de-lance, ghost of 2023, guah ka mole, internet cafe, wiggle upgrade, rpg allergy, karl marx, assessibilidity, Last Triangle, First Square, Burning Ham '24, Burning Ham '24;, lord cardboard, AI fart pillow, alcalpolne, ferari diverr, sinper good, rodent commande, rodent commando, jackson pollock, proper click, jacky wara, crayon, fetusalem, rpg3000, bounty megaroll, twitterayrainer, plumbus, justin time, mondo fabricio, climax change, bifartisan, macccaroni!, macccaroni!;waTCH OUT AISRSA, jonbonchovi, PB & Jammer, PB & Jammer;(, happy end, handyphone call, British Sloth, toovpayst, recreational C4, rck ppr scssr, Fage 2., gong device, indania jonse, canniball man, sponsored by BP, chairopractror, time gong by, uter.us.a, hairstrike, cyber karen, domina pizza, LED snow globe, twentyleven, trackball man, batterfly nive, 10g Mottenwurst, gaming chair, pizzattack, rage join, jesus pect, pretti & ritch, salatoman, kale butcher, super juiceday, sombrero grande, black banter, broccoli frank, CptAverage, dutch oven, step-by-step, a joke, a joke;ur wl, contact lentils, peniscillin, pantalones, wizzleblowa, palmoil man, apri.II, apri.III, zara twoo straa, zara 2 straw, Poilet Taper, body positive, absolute stnds, myers-briggs, ass crackers, fartasy land, farto liquido, flesh mop, strobe life, shark wrangler, ponzi sheme, shame cam, a green car, flesh bang, thong kong, komlumbus, ham spanker, mondern warfaer, uncle energy, thong king, Next Map, propeller, aclohol, no aclohol, red hulk, thong kong man, mediocre monica, ding dong boing, el carpet, svarovski svan, on claycation, Claystation 4, solvem probler, hold my oatmilk, inspector labia, kartrate kit, kartrate kit;yl, Mildlife Crisis, carpet of death, jesustainable, a gentle touch, a gentle touch;TY', ferarrey drivr, slkelletnon, le snob, Casey Chellivar, YMCRAYPETER, Ceiling Dione, L4 /3OM/34, ein Komiker, ein Komiker;a;rstr, click farmer, general store, FertileGemstone, splinternet, Qcumba, Qcumbersadlad, versace Qcumber

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Activity   History   Weapons   Hitzones   Map achievements   Your worst enemies

Your favorite weapons Your Kills Percentage of total kills Your Deaths Your Suicides
MP5 22065
1066 (0.72%)
RPD Grip 14618
3012 (2.05%)
Desert Eagle 13667
1551 (1.05%)
RPG 13417
1262 (0.86%)
AK-47 11433
25709 (17.46%)
Frag Grenade 9982
8891 (6.04%)
M40A3 9659
3374 (2.29%)
Dragunov ACOG 7962
149 (0.10%)
Air Strike 7651
5231 (3.55%)
M4 Red Dot Sight 7266
23541 (15.99%)
G3 Silencer 6669
3688 (2.50%)
Desert Eagle Gold 5856
1866 (1.27%)
G3 5632
413 (0.28%)
MP5 Silencer 5108
3616 (2.46%)
M9 Silencer 3487
368 (0.25%)
Cobra 20mm 2960
2340 (1.59%)
M4 Silencer 2861
3957 (2.69%)
G36c Red Dot Sight 2593
1409 (0.96%)
M16 Red Dot Sight 2198
5164 (3.51%)
Knife 1767
734 (0.50%)
M249 SAW Red Dot Sight 1619
2133 (1.45%)
M9 1577
202 (0.14%)
M40A3 ACOG 1520
116 (0.08%)
MP5 Red Dot Sight 1454
774 (0.53%)
RPD 1424
2077 (1.41%)
M14 Silencer 1284
180 (0.12%)
Claymore 1167
2308 (1.57%)
Barrett .50cal ACOG 1062
40 (0.03%)
Dragunov 1050
1083 (0.74%)
M16 893
872 (0.59%)
SAW Bipod Crouched 784
271 (0.18%)
Barrett .50cal 741
681 (0.46%)
Exploding Vehicle 740
326 (0.22%)
RPD Red Dot Sight 648
1919 (1.30%)
C4 633
139 (0.09%)
R700 624
906 (0.62%)
M21 622
4502 (3.06%)
M14 617
77 (0.05%)
MP44 554
497 (0.34%)
M16 Silencer 542
982 (0.67%)
Mini-Uzi 502
270 (0.18%)
P90 Silencer 501
7204 (4.89%)
M249 SAW 462
1066 (0.72%)
M21 ACOG 458
261 (0.18%)
G3 Reflex 456
2241 (1.52%)
AK-74u 417
1303 (0.88%)
M60E4 Red Dot Sight 417
830 (0.56%)
Skorpion Silencer 354
2373 (1.61%)
AK-47 Reflex 346
1708 (1.16%)
M249 SAW Grip 296
247 (0.17%)
M14 Red Dot Sight 295
256 (0.17%)
M4 ACOG 265
1710 (1.16%)
AK-47 Silencer 247
1622 (1.10%)
M4 239
812 (0.55%)
Mini-Uzi Silencer 196
189 (0.13%)
Mini-Uzi Red Dot Sight 186
166 (0.11%)
AK74u Silencer 177
514 (0.35%)
P90 Red Dot Sight 138
2158 (1.47%)
Skorpion 132
253 (0.17%)
SAW Bipod Standing 127
58 (0.04%)
M1014 Red Dot Sight 110
155 (0.11%)
AK-74u Red Dot Sight 78
387 (0.26%)
M1014 76
213 (0.14%)
37 (0.03%)
USP .45 66
221 (0.15%)
M14 ACOG 65
38 (0.03%)
G36c Silencer 61
253 (0.17%)
R700 ACOG 60
18 (0.01%)
G36c 55
192 (0.13%)
M249 SAW ACOG 47
222 (0.15%)
Skorpion Red Dot Sight 46
139 (0.09%)
W1200 45
184 (0.12%)
M1911 .45 41
134 (0.09%)
M60E4 ACOG 37
143 (0.10%)
P90 37
584 (0.40%)
Stun Grenade 34
165 (0.11%)
M60E4 Grip 29
141 (0.10%)
Bad luck... 29
16 (0.01%)
85 (0.06%)
M1014 Grip 27
65 (0.04%)
USP .45 Silencer 24
275 (0.19%)
M16 ACOG 23
222 (0.15%)
AK-47 ACOG 14
95 (0.06%)
M60E4 14
99 (0.07%)
G36c ACOG 12
87 (0.06%)
G3 ACOG 11
49 (0.03%)
Cobra Rocket 11
2 (0.00%)
Falling 10
8 (0.01%)
M1911 .45 Silencer 9
189 (0.13%)
Smoke Grenade 6
2 (0.00%)
W1200 Red Dot Sight 5
89 (0.06%)
W1200 Grip 4
41 (0.03%)
Flash Grenade 4
4 (0.00%)
HIND Rocket 3
1 (0.00%)
P90 ACOG 2
13 (0.01%)
Mini-Uzi ACOG
5 (0.00%)
1 (0.00%)
Skorpion ACOG
27 (0.02%)
Extra skillpoints are awarded for bashing, killing with pistols and other difficult weapons!
Bodyparts Your Kills Your Deaths
torso_lower 47828 (26.02%) 44961 (30.53%)
Total Disruption 33618 (18.29%) 18174 (12.34%)
torso_upper 21233 (11.55%) 18543 (12.59%)
head 17967 (9.77%) 13713 (9.31%)
left_leg_upper 12116 (6.59%) 10742 (7.29%)
right_leg_upper 11279 (6.14%) 10107 (6.86%)
left_leg_lower 5841 (3.18%) 5325 (3.62%)
left_arm_upper 5332 (2.90%) 3353 (2.28%)
right_leg_lower 5165 (2.81%) 4852 (3.29%)
left_arm_lower 5154 (2.80%) 3447 (2.34%)
right_arm_lower 5018 (2.73%) 3923 (2.66%)
right_arm_upper 4523 (2.46%) 3345 (2.27%)
neck 3283 (1.79%) 2646 (1.80%)
left_hand 1747 (0.95%) 891 (0.61%)
right_foot 1376 (0.75%) 1325 (0.90%)
left_foot 1360 (0.74%) 1337 (0.91%)
right_hand 972 (0.53%) 584 (0.40%)
Watch your cover and aim for deadly hitzones on your opponents!
Accuracy (you hit the red parts more frequently)
Hover your mouse over the player model for more details
Map Rounds Kills Deaths Suicides Team kills Team deaths
Vacant 545 16474 (8.96%) 13671 (9.28%) 0 0 0
Backlot 538 14328 (7.79%) 11984 (8.14%) 0 0 0
Bog 422 14082 (7.66%) 10524 (7.15%) 0 0 0
Crossfire 548 13187 (7.17%) 11526 (7.83%) 0 0 0
Crash 488 12762 (6.94%) 10514 (7.14%) 0 0 0
Convoy 474 12665 (6.89%) 9768 (6.63%) 0 0 0
China Town 500 12653 (6.88%) 10638 (7.22%) 0 0 0
Broadcast 477 12437 (6.77%) 10075 (6.84%) 0 0 0
City Streets 476 12047 (6.55%) 9573 (6.50%) 0 0 0
Strike 436 11621 (6.32%) 9065 (6.16%) 0 0 0
Overgrown 423 10496 (5.71%) 6719 (4.56%) 0 0 0
Pipeline 414 10269 (5.59%) 7801 (5.30%) 0 0 0
Bloc 355 8862 (4.82%) 7603 (5.16%) 0 0 0
Showdown 245 8050 (4.38%) 6423 (4.36%) 0 0 0
Killhouse 159 6450 (3.51%) 5103 (3.47%) 0 0 1 (3.33%)
Shipment 84 4259 (2.32%) 3620 (2.46%) 0 0 0
Wet Work 49 912 (0.50%) 899 (0.61%) 0 0 0
Winter Crash 26 859 (0.47%) 639 (0.43%) 0 0 0
Down Pour 21 608 (0.33%) 558 (0.38%) 0 0 0
Creek 17 485 (0.26%) 368 (0.25%) 0 0 0
Countdown 10 306 (0.17%) 197 (0.13%) 0 0 0
Click the mapname to see who does well on this map
Your worst enemies Your Deaths Your Kills Your K/D Ratio
LUKS_95 6759 (4.59%) 10263 (5.58%) 1.52
HIT 2897 (1.97%) 3020 (1.64%) 1.04
Tirano 2449 (1.66%) 3412 (1.86%) 1.39
NuckChorris 1902 (1.29%) 1702 (0.93%) 0.89
sC| Hightower 1672 (1.14%) 1077 (0.59%) 0.64
NJA-Sgt_JD 1618 (1.10%) 1205 (0.66%) 0.74
WhoZ 1491 (1.01%) 1173 (0.64%) 0.79
mar19 1166 (0.79%) 2021 (1.10%) 1.73
Arce 1112 (0.76%) 1131 (0.62%) 1.02
BLoodSHot 1078 (0.73%) 1074 (0.58%) 1.00
NJ-Turbo 1038 (0.70%) 1127 (0.61%) 1.09
NJM-PIG 1026 (0.70%) 598 (0.33%) 0.58
SavageMedia 914 (0.62%) 865 (0.47%) 0.95
Who's your worst enemy?