: MyStats :
Include aliases  
Topskill Ranking 54
Skill 749.1
Kills 127910
Deaths 102474
Ratio 1.25
Kill Assists 0
Total skill gained 0.00
Rounds 5154
Longest winning streak 25
Longest losing streak 18
Team kills 16
Team deaths 19
Suicides 0
XLRstatsID: 12536 B3-ID: @74406
Personal statistics of Arce

Arce was first registered by B3 on 24 October 2011, 21:55 EDT,
connected 6174 times,
was last seen playing on 17 May 2024, 22:31 EDT,
and is known as Regular.

Arce is connecting from: Mexico Mexico.

Known aliases for this player are:
Arce, Arce.MIL, Arce;that, Arce;LD', Arce;nice l, Arce;, Arce;he, Arce;^.$#@', Arce;isn, Arce;shoot he, Arce;total fail, Arce;)(*&^.$#, Arce;empy poo, Arce;as, Arce;looooooooooooooooooooooooo, Arce;bu, Arce;lol, Arce;I can, Arce;u couldn, Arce;;e, Arce;intenta, Arce;&^.$#@.^', Arce;*&^.$#, Arce;()*&^.$#@, Arce;sorry for cumin l, Arce;can, Arce;)(*&^.$#.8', Arce;ca, Arce;l, Arce;hio Sl, Arce;Ld, Arce;what happened to Regen, Arce;that's why I onl, Arce;algo as, Arce;*(&^.$, Arce;nada, aqu', Arce;(*&^.$#@, Arce;*&^.$#@, Arce;:d, Arce;I am an American , from M, Arce;el que habla espaol, Arce;hio, PissedKiwi, Arce;(*&^.$#, Arce;^.$#@, Arce;me ech, Arce;is it doab, Arce;p, Acre, Arce;that', Arce;)(*&^.$#@, Arce;(*&^.W#Q, Arce;o, taht', Arce;89790jkml, Arce;_)(*&^.$#2, Arce;I bl, Arce;_)(*&^.$#@$., Arce;I was using scroll wheel w, Arce;_()*&^.$#@, Arce;P)(*&^.$#@$, Arce;i will If I cou, Arce;_)(*&.$#@', El Mea Garras, The Roof, Arce;true, El Pituf0, EL Ejido BOL, JN-Arce, (Mx)-Arce, CID_9, Mx/-Arce, Mx-Arce, Mx-Arce;can, un Putazo, Arce;(*&.$#, Arce;*&^.$, Arce;peo no me gustan l, Arce = hippie, Bick Dig, Dick's Big, Arce;le;e;, Arce;_)(*&^.$#, Arce;YTRE.^&*()*&^.$, Arce;(*&^.$3, Arce;e;e;, Ho Li Cheat, Holly s-h-i-t, Arce;*&^.$#@$, Arce;quise decir, Arce;)(*&^.$@#, Arce;*&^.$#@#$.^&, Arce;te, Arce;couldn', Arce;;e;e, Arce;_)(*&^.$6, Arce;09*&^.$#., Arce;hel, Arce;le;e;e;e;e;e, Arce;no habla espano, Arce;(*&^.$, Arce;I type, Arce;finall, Arce;I pl, Arce;we he, Arce;I wasn, Arce;;el, Arce;)(*&.$#@Q$., Arce;hiop, Arce;pero en espanio, Arce;;e;e;e, Arce;wasn, Arce;U are rich rice, S L O R K E D, Arce;he is always asking for it, Arce;&^.$#., Arce;yw, Arce;suck arce', Arce;9*&^.$#@, Arce;imma use your gun Spud, Arce;;p, Arce;)(*&^.$#56, Arce;)(*&^.$, Arce;El gato's and LeBurrito, MyDogLovesUrCat, MyDogEatsCats, MyDogEatsUrCat, Arce;Pito Ma, Arce;-0(*&^.$#, Arce;(*&^.$#@., ASRock, Gigabyte, MSI, Tyan, Arce;bien Ocelote, Arce;*&^.$3, Arce;^.$#, Arce;.$#.^, Arce;Chl, Arce;.$#@$.^&, Arce;(*&^.$#.^, Arce;I haven', TheCrispyCrow, Arce;conectate al, Arce;nhe, Arce;je patriotski, ArceFlute, Arce;nevah, DuckMySick, Arce;)(*&^.$#.^, Arce;ooh, Arce;*(&W, Arce;ahora si l, Arce;*&^.$#.6, Arce;&^.$#.^, Arce;another Moigue, 7Seven-11Eleven, Arce;(*&.E, Arce;^.$.#.^, Arce;_)(*&^.$^&', Arce;IUYREWERTYU*()_', Arce;=-)(*&^.$, Arce;(*&^.$^&, Arce;)(*&^.$^&*, Arce;&^.$^&, Arce;()*&^.$^&*, Mordo, Arce;Lds, Arce;YTR.$#.op[, Arce;&^.$#.6, Arce;BALNCO no habla espanio, Arce;90*&^., Arce;pooor hel, Arce;)(*&^.$.6, Arce;_)(*&^.$^&*9p, Arce;)(*&^.$8, Arce;*&^.$#.8, Arce;()*&^.$#.^, Arce;)*&^.$#., Arce;(*&^.$#.op[, Arce; D, Arce;*&^.$67, Arce;*&^.$#.^, Arce;_)(*&^.$^&8o, Arce;I&^.$^&*9', Arce;()*&^.$89, Arce;(*&^.$678, Arce;;d, Arce;9*&^.$#.67, Arce;8&^.$6, Arce;90*&^.$8op, Arce;*&^.&8, Arce;)(*&^.$6, Arce;(*&^.$l, Flute, Arce;*&.E$W#.^&*(iol, Arce;*&^.$#.^&o, Arce;PIRE$.^&*()OP, Arce;YREWUIop', Arce;(&^.$67, Arce;)(*&^.E$W.^&*io, Arce;(*&^.$#.^&i, Arce;()*&^.$678, Arce;*&^.$#.^&8, Arce;&^.$^&8o, Arce;509*&.$.678l, Arce;IYTRE$.^&*()p[, Arce;&^$#.^&, Arce;^.$^&*, Arce;*&^.$^&i, Arce;(*&^.$#.^&*(, Arce;)(*&^.$#.67, Arce;*&^.$#., Arce; fd, Arce;)(*^.$^&l, Arce;(*&^.$6, Arce;+_)(*&^.$6l, Arce;(*&^.$#.678, Arce;()*&^.$, Arce;_)(*&.$, Arce;(*&^.$#.6uio, Arce;(*&^.$#.^&89op[, $89, Arce;U.$^&*OIP', Arce;*&^.$^&*, Arce;*&^.$^&, Arce;09*^.$#.^&, Arce;_)(*&^.$678iop, Arce;*&^.$^&ukl, Arce;*&^.$89, Arce;T.E$.^&*(0op, Arce;:, Arce;(*&^.$#.^&*, Arce;()*&.$#.^&89op[, Arce;)(*&^.$#.^&, Arce;987^.$8ol, Arce;98&^.$p, Arce;0-(*&.$6, Arce;(*&^.$^&*o, Arce;()*&^.$#.l, Arce;(*&^.$#.^&*9, Arce;(*&^.$#56, Arce;(*&^.$56, Arce;TYE#$.^&*(O, Arce;)(*&^.$67, Arce;(*&^.$#.^&89op, Arce;*&^.$#S$.6789, Arce;0(*&^.$#.6l, Arce;lolol, Arce;)(*&^.$#.^&*(, Arce;no tengo la cu, Arce;d, Arce;&^.$#.^&*, Arce;UYREW.^&*(IOp, Arce;(*&^.$io, Arce;don, Arce;*.$#.8io, Arce;LD;f, Arce;)(*&^.$#.^&*, Arce;*&^.$#.^&, Arce;.$^&*(, Arce;YTRE.#$.^&*(iop, Arce;I onl, Arce;(*&^.$#.6, Arce;(*&^.$.67iop, Arce;&^.$#@., Arce;&^.$^, Arce;&^.$#.ui, Arce;UTR.$^&*, It's Me, A Condom, a Condom;;p, Arce;(*&^.$6l, Arce;&^.$89o, Arce;*&^.$#56, Arce;)(*^.$#567, Arce;98&$#567, Arce;(*&^.7f, Arce;)(*&^.$#.8op, Arce;_)(&^.$56l, Arce;()*^.$#.8, Arce;lel, Arce;(*&^.$8, Arce;^.$#@$56, Arce;:D', Arce;(*&^.$#.l, Arce;(*&^.$#5678, a Scrotum, Arce;09*&^.$, Arce;REW$#.^&*(0op[, Arce;&^.$#W5678, Arce;.$#.^&.$#.6, Arce;(*&^.$iol, Arce;*(&^.$8iopl, Arce;&^.$^&*(, Arce;*(&^.$#.678, Arce;U&.$^&*, Arce;HAIO, Arce;*(&^.$#.^&, Arce;*(&^.$67, Arce;cl, Arce;i haven, Arce;*&^.$#@$.^&*(o, Arce;*(&^.$#.^&*, Arce;YTRE$.^&*iol, Arce;^&.$#@56, Arce;.^$#.6, Arce;YTR$#W.678iol, Arce;(*&^.$#.^&, Arce;&^.$#.8, Arce;&E$.^&*()opl, Arce;(*&^.$#@$.o, Arce;^.$#.^&8p, Arce;^.$l, Arce;^.$#.678, Arce;*(&^.$#.^&*(o, Arce;(*&^.$67, Arce;&^.$#56, Arce;*(&^.$#.6, Arce;^.$#.^&*(&^.7', Arce;(*&^.$89op, Arce;(*&^.$#.67, Arce;UYRE$.^**(IOP, Arce;*&^.$#.^&89, Arce;*&^.$#.89, Arce;(*&^.$#., Arce;&^.$#@.67, Arce;*&^.$#@$.67p, Arce;09*&^.$#.^, Arce;*&^.$#.^&*, Arce;()*&^.$#@.67uiol, Arce;IUER$.^&*IOP, Arce;(*&^.$#.89, Arce;*&^.$#W.8o, Arce;(*&^.$#5, Arce;(*&^.$#.^&*io, Arce;hoi, Arce;es, Arce;(*&^.$#5678op, Arce;hiol, Arce;*(&.$#@$.678, Arce;()*&^.$^&89o, Arce;()*&^.$#.^&8op, Arce;@!#$.^&*, Arce;@#$.^, Arce;^.$#@!$.^, Arce;^.$#@$.^, Arce;*&^.$#@$.^, Arce;*&^.$^&8, Arce;^.#$@$., Arce;ayy, Arce;8&^.$#567, Arce;&^.$#.^&, Arce;(*&^.$#.^&89, Arce;*&^.$^, Arce;9*&^.$.^&, Arce;*&^.$^&*9op, Arce;^.$#@$., Arce;*&^.$#@.67, Arce;)(*&^.$^&, Arce;UR$.^&*UIO, Arce;&^.$#.^&8l, Arce;()*&^.$#@.6789p[, Arce;87^.$#@$.^&8, Arce;&^.$#@$.^&5l, Arce;&^.$#@$.^&8, Arce;ol, Arce;&^.$#@$.6l, Arce;y&^.$#@!$., Arce;*&^.$#@.^&*, EatMyRod, it'sMe Mario, it'sMe Mario;^.$#@#$.^, Arce;^.$#@$.i, Arce;^.$#@!$.^$#5, Arce;^.$#@!#$.^, Arce;.$#@#$.^, Arce;&^.$#.^.$#@$.^$#5, Arce;^.$#@.P, Arce;E$W#$.^&, lel, CID_6, :-/, SEX, sex with pig, curly pubichair, hI aRcE, Pancho Villa, -EZ-, type EZ, you are EZ, DrTachyonSuxRPG, DrTachyonEatRPG, Arce;YTRE$W#$.Ryui, Arce;*&^.$#@$56, Arce;^.$#W.^&, Arce;.$#@#$.6, DrTachSuxArce's, RPG Pro = Arce, Tachy sux dck, Arce;I didn, Arce;*&^.$#@$.^&*, Arce;R#@$.^, Arce;raw, Arce;&^.$#@$, CID_11, Pe Bong, NorCal|Ricerony, D'eL Toro, Grandpa Ho, SR Turok, Mama Dont Care, Falling Rock, Late Fee, The X Wife, iCu_Naked, GrEaSe MoNkEy, Uncle_Ho, Grandpa_Ho, Overdog, ColdDog, ONEpoint7rulez, 80081355, einstein, ruleFollower, Arce.MIL;.$#@$., Arce;rLs, Arce;no u don', Arce;&^.$#@$5, Arce;&^.$#@, Arce;ll, Arce;LD'', Arce;&^.$#@$.^, Arce;.$#@$5y, VooDoo is Rice, Arce;didn, Arce;*&^.$#@$., Arce;R#@$., Arce;&^.$#@$4, Arce;L', Arce;^.$#@!#45, Arce;^.$#@!#$56, Arce;&^.$#@!#45678op[, Arce;.$#@!#, Arce;.^$#@!#$5, Arce;^.$#@4, Arce;*&^.$#@!$., Arce;&*^.$#@$., Arce;5awt&^.$#@$., Arce;onl, Arce;^.R$#W567, Arce;^.$#@!4, Arce;.$#@!, Arce;*&^.$#@!$5, Arce;^.$#@$, Arce; 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None (max)
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Kills needed: max (100%)

Activity   History   Weapons   Hitzones   Map achievements   Your worst enemies

Your favorite weapons Your Kills Percentage of total kills Your Deaths Your Suicides
M4 ACOG 60330
897 (0.88%)
MP5 Silencer 19901
2304 (2.25%)
Frag Grenade 17258
6439 (6.28%)
Air Strike 5000
2659 (2.59%)
G36c ACOG 3873
104 (0.10%)
Claymore 3491
1656 (1.62%)
SAW Bipod Crouched 2331
198 (0.19%)
Cobra 20mm 1806
1048 (1.02%)
M4 1756
564 (0.55%)
MP5 1301
1034 (1.01%)
G36c Silencer 1293
163 (0.16%)
M4 Silencer 1250
2846 (2.78%)
M249 SAW 1193
831 (0.81%)
Knife 979
456 (0.44%)
M4 Red Dot Sight 898
16152 (15.76%)
M40A3 565
2079 (2.03%)
Mini-Uzi 530
233 (0.23%)
G36c 528
73 (0.07%)
AK-47 457
18937 (18.48%)
Exploding Vehicle 412
157 (0.15%)
SAW Bipod Standing 400
34 (0.03%)
M1911 .45 Silencer 292
110 (0.11%)
P90 Silencer 211
5261 (5.13%)
36 (0.04%)
M16 154
653 (0.64%)
M249 SAW Red Dot Sight 140
1620 (1.58%)
RPD Grip 125
2283 (2.23%)
RPD 121
1871 (1.83%)
RPD Red Dot Sight 104
1063 (1.04%)
M9 Silencer 83
245 (0.24%)
G3 Reflex 77
1617 (1.58%)
AK-47 Reflex 70
1363 (1.33%)
M21 70
2404 (2.35%)
G3 Silencer 65
3007 (2.93%)
MP44 65
437 (0.43%)
AK-74u 60
1321 (1.29%)
P90 Red Dot Sight 60
1537 (1.50%)
W1200 37
121 (0.12%)
M16 Red Dot Sight 33
3631 (3.54%)
G36c Red Dot Sight 30
1023 (1.00%)
Skorpion Silencer 29
1496 (1.46%)
MP5 Red Dot Sight 26
549 (0.54%)
AK-47 Silencer 21
856 (0.84%)
USP .45 Silencer 19
243 (0.24%)
M249 SAW ACOG 19
109 (0.11%)
P90 18
453 (0.44%)
Desert Eagle Gold 17
1428 (1.39%)
M1014 17
198 (0.19%)
R700 15
728 (0.71%)
M9 14
131 (0.13%)
Bad luck... 13
3 (0.00%)
Smoke Grenade 12
1 (0.00%)
Falling 12
7 (0.01%)
M1014 Red Dot Sight 11
81 (0.08%)
Desert Eagle 10
1461 (1.43%)
M249 SAW Grip 10
155 (0.15%)
Skorpion Red Dot Sight 9
91 (0.09%)
AK-47 ACOG 8
82 (0.08%)
M60E4 8
69 (0.07%)
G3 8
271 (0.26%)
Barrett .50cal 7
487 (0.48%)
Stun Grenade 7
142 (0.14%)
M14 Red Dot Sight 7
122 (0.12%)
AK-74u Red Dot Sight 7
317 (0.31%)
M16 ACOG 6
91 (0.09%)
USP .45 6
126 (0.12%)
Mini-Uzi Silencer 6
130 (0.13%)
18 (0.02%)
M16 Silencer 5
473 (0.46%)
AK74u Silencer 5
332 (0.32%)
M60E4 ACOG 4
97 (0.09%)
AK-74u ACOG 4
12 (0.01%)
M60E4 Red Dot Sight 4
706 (0.69%)
M14 4
53 (0.05%)
C4 3
83 (0.08%)
Dragunov 3
557 (0.54%)
M1014 Grip 3
74 (0.07%)
M14 Silencer 3
166 (0.16%)
Mini-Uzi Red Dot Sight 2
86 (0.08%)
M21 ACOG 2
79 (0.08%)
Flash Grenade 2
1 (0.00%)
Cobra Rocket 1
2 (0.00%)
Dragunov ACOG 1
46 (0.04%)
M60E4 Grip 1
131 (0.13%)
HIND Rocket 1
1 (0.00%)
Barrett .50cal ACOG 1
29 (0.03%)
M14 ACOG 1
43 (0.04%)
M1911 .45 1
81 (0.08%)
P90 ACOG 1
9 (0.01%)
W1200 Red Dot Sight 1
26 (0.03%)
M40A3 ACOG 1
104 (0.10%)
Skorpion ACOG 1
34 (0.03%)
15 (0.01%)
W1200 Grip
26 (0.03%)
35 (0.03%)
130 (0.13%)
Mini-Uzi ACOG
11 (0.01%)
720 (0.70%)
Extra skillpoints are awarded for bashing, killing with pistols and other difficult weapons!
Bodyparts Your Kills Your Deaths
torso_lower 34807 (27.21%) 31954 (31.18%)
Total Disruption 26156 (20.45%) 11722 (11.44%)
torso_upper 14266 (11.15%) 13152 (12.83%)
head 11450 (8.95%) 9180 (8.96%)
left_leg_upper 8396 (6.56%) 7328 (7.15%)
right_leg_upper 8005 (6.26%) 6913 (6.75%)
left_leg_lower 4135 (3.23%) 3822 (3.73%)
right_leg_lower 3592 (2.81%) 3361 (3.28%)
right_arm_lower 3116 (2.44%) 2862 (2.79%)
left_arm_upper 2980 (2.33%) 2458 (2.40%)
left_arm_lower 2948 (2.30%) 2603 (2.54%)
right_arm_upper 2794 (2.18%) 2413 (2.35%)
neck 2062 (1.61%) 1877 (1.83%)
left_foot 934 (0.73%) 918 (0.90%)
right_foot 923 (0.72%) 850 (0.83%)
left_hand 866 (0.68%) 684 (0.67%)
right_hand 480 (0.38%) 377 (0.37%)
Watch your cover and aim for deadly hitzones on your opponents!
Accuracy (you hit the red parts more frequently)
Hover your mouse over the player model for more details
Map Rounds Kills Deaths Suicides Team kills Team deaths
Convoy 420 10592 (8.28%) 8114 (7.92%) 0 0 0
Crossfire 401 10400 (8.13%) 8765 (8.55%) 0 0 0
City Streets 383 10155 (7.94%) 7582 (7.40%) 0 0 0
Crash 381 10110 (7.90%) 8211 (8.01%) 0 0 0
Backlot 423 10107 (7.90%) 7874 (7.68%) 0 0 0
Vacant 381 9973 (7.80%) 8261 (8.06%) 0 0 0
Broadcast 412 8887 (6.95%) 7208 (7.03%) 0 0 0
Bog 302 8869 (6.93%) 7381 (7.20%) 0 0 0
China Town 362 7736 (6.05%) 6304 (6.15%) 0 0 0
Strike 311 7512 (5.87%) 6115 (5.97%) 0 0 0
Overgrown 323 7283 (5.69%) 5404 (5.27%) 0 0 0
Showdown 212 6401 (5.00%) 4751 (4.64%) 0 0 0
Pipeline 314 5814 (4.55%) 4787 (4.67%) 0 0 0
Bloc 277 5129 (4.01%) 4466 (4.36%) 0 0 0
Killhouse 98 3722 (2.91%) 3158 (3.08%) 0 0 0
Shipment 80 3283 (2.57%) 2448 (2.39%) 0 0 0
Wet Work 31 921 (0.72%) 755 (0.74%) 0 0 0
Creek 16 426 (0.33%) 357 (0.35%) 0 0 0
Winter Crash 15 420 (0.33%) 361 (0.35%) 0 0 0
Down Pour 9 110 (0.09%) 132 (0.13%) 0 0 0
Countdown 3 60 (0.05%) 40 (0.04%) 0 0 0
Click the mapname to see who does well on this map
Your worst enemies Your Deaths Your Kills Your K/D Ratio
musti 5977 (5.83%) 8643 (6.76%) 1.45
lisianthus 3270 (3.19%) 3501 (2.74%) 1.07
Damian 1862 (1.82%) 2300 (1.80%) 1.24
NoobJitsu 1316 (1.28%) 1215 (0.95%) 0.92
NJM-PIG 1177 (1.15%) 734 (0.57%) 0.62
kartrate kit 1073 (1.05%) 1047 (0.82%) 0.98
Habesof 959 (0.94%) 1506 (1.18%) 1.57
Kumar 866 (0.85%) 1096 (0.86%) 1.27
SavageMedia 854 (0.83%) 793 (0.62%) 0.93
sC| Hightower 782 (0.76%) 443 (0.35%) 0.57
NJ-Turbo 747 (0.73%) 865 (0.68%) 1.16
Cod_4 726 (0.71%) 869 (0.68%) 1.20
WhoZ 692 (0.68%) 563 (0.44%) 0.81
Who's your worst enemy?