Include aliases  
Topskill Ranking n.a.
Skill 548.9
Kills 5896
Deaths 11537
Ratio 0.51
Kill Assists 0
Total skill gained 0.00
Rounds 683
Longest winning streak 16
Longest losing streak 36
Team kills 170
Team deaths 371
Suicides 0
XLRstatsID: 8577 B3-ID: @121594
Personal statistics of Mekes

Mekes was first registered by B3 on 10 July 2014, 4:40 EDT,
connected 339 times,
was last seen playing on 20 January 2023, 13:33 EST,
and has not registered with B3 yet!
Register as a User: While ingame type !register in chat.
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Mekes is connecting from: Germany Germany.

Known aliases for this player are:
majnik, SUPERMARIO, pronoob2014, Scargent, Miku, nosteam.ro, xDuBxTbPx, ReS, alex, apinakapina, ZazZTheSnaZ, spiros, DEADSHOT, TheKiller64, Blubber, BLACK3AGL3, PedBerg, OMG PedBerg, NascarAlabad, DEADSHOT101, mag nuss, DerAnknaller, Troy, Darktobi, Momo, Ghost-03, daniel, flaaav, Frizy, roko, |LCN|Zyrexa, *-*DCarolina*-*, DC, jaydub76, Haireez, TheDildoMan, Carolina <3, IronMoncky, pisoj, eFko77, visoka, Fox, Ilios, TEKA-VENOMZz, sandeep, DeViL, Odiceo, Dean Winchester, JOS, (e) Svr, PAPA, patrick, pisojRETPTZ'VFT, saood, SemtexCZ, Mr_Cuak, Hozugetsu, TheGoldenBoy, hitman, JBD, Nero, mario6656, N00bs3Ye, commando killer, LOL, Caleb, AJ, adolf, AKA, Falcon, Chinaski, N64freak, Vojta_3, Vojta_3;aasaa, Giannis, ProjectEnCoRe, ProjectEnCoReV2, sarah_bl, AutoCAD, Elchaon, MichalCZ, PicadorCriminal, Pepperr, gumask, ZAID, shooter, ELITE_SHOT, Mekes, copr98

Activity   Hitzones

Bodyparts Your Kills Your Deaths
torso_lower 1800 (30.53%) 3483 (30.19%)
torso_upper 740 (12.55%) 1440 (12.48%)
head 659 (11.18%) 1129 (9.79%)
Total Disruption 547 (9.28%) 1525 (13.22%)
left_leg_upper 433 (7.34%) 817 (7.08%)
right_leg_upper 433 (7.34%) 773 (6.70%)
left_leg_lower 227 (3.85%) 388 (3.36%)
right_leg_lower 182 (3.09%) 330 (2.86%)
right_arm_lower 180 (3.05%) 311 (2.70%)
left_arm_lower 157 (2.66%) 306 (2.65%)
left_arm_upper 134 (2.27%) 272 (2.36%)
neck 121 (2.05%) 220 (1.91%)
right_arm_upper 109 (1.85%) 279 (2.42%)
right_foot 56 (0.95%) 71 (0.62%)
left_foot 55 (0.93%) 70 (0.61%)
left_hand 36 (0.61%) 78 (0.68%)
right_hand 27 (0.46%) 45 (0.39%)
Watch your cover and aim for deadly hitzones on your opponents!
Accuracy (you hit the red parts more frequently)
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