Include aliases  
Topskill Ranking n.a.
Skill 533.5
Kills 1909
Deaths 2213
Ratio 0.86
Kill Assists 0
Total skill gained 0.00
Rounds 137
Longest winning streak 16
Longest losing streak 20
Team kills 2
Team deaths 0
Suicides 0
XLRstatsID: 12069 B3-ID: @132283
Personal statistics of Habibi

Habibi was first registered by B3 on 29 September 2014, 10:55 EDT,
connected 652 times,
was last seen playing on 22 May 2024, 16:59 EDT,
and has not registered with B3 yet!
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Habibi is connecting from: Pakistan Pakistan.

Known aliases for this player are:
Pacel, bazOkAA :>, teki9, Ricohead99, Matthew, idk, VmLast, (.) (.), [TK]6ix9ine, 6ix9ine, bbcnetwork, Mr. One Tap, =} =}, lol <3, Amelinium, Manzee, lol XD, wpierdol, dennie09, ahmad, Hidalgo, JASON, Henry, 123, dangerwayne1991, Jack6, Cibulak, Paul VirarVel, Jack6;, Jesus, JalexSDA, IceWallowCome, Shaq, ..mr.., Malke, max, ghostt, Crispy Jesus, Diegoalves95, hiln, JoCk, JOCK3R, tariguz, Oscarnek, Nova`666999, fostos419, qwocked, JouPA, ---Pikul---, =F0U= Snow Bloo, McDealer, NotoriousNad, E1GANSO, QSIci, the_dragon (pro, LOL357, Hacker, CID_3

Activity   Hitzones

Bodyparts Your Kills Your Deaths
torso_lower 571 (29.91%) 663 (29.96%)
torso_upper 298 (15.61%) 275 (12.43%)
head 221 (11.58%) 212 (9.58%)
Total Disruption 189 (9.90%) 275 (12.43%)
right_leg_upper 121 (6.34%) 149 (6.73%)
left_leg_upper 113 (5.92%) 162 (7.32%)
right_leg_lower 65 (3.40%) 66 (2.98%)
left_leg_lower 57 (2.99%) 85 (3.84%)
right_arm_lower 53 (2.78%) 55 (2.49%)
left_arm_lower 51 (2.67%) 74 (3.34%)
right_arm_upper 48 (2.51%) 45 (2.03%)
neck 44 (2.30%) 39 (1.76%)
left_arm_upper 39 (2.04%) 62 (2.80%)
left_hand 14 (0.73%) 17 (0.77%)
left_foot 12 (0.63%) 17 (0.77%)
right_foot 9 (0.47%) 12 (0.54%)
right_hand 4 (0.21%) 5 (0.23%)
Watch your cover and aim for deadly hitzones on your opponents!
Accuracy (you hit the red parts more frequently)
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