Include aliases  
Topskill Ranking n.a.
Skill 830.6
Kills 12002
Deaths 9184
Ratio 1.31
Kill Assists 0
Total skill gained 0.00
Rounds 910
Longest winning streak 24
Longest losing streak 21
Team kills 192
Team deaths 159
Suicides 0
XLRstatsID: 11207 B3-ID: @62544
Personal statistics of TheVomit

TheVomit was first registered by B3 on 7 August 2011, 23:21 EDT,
connected 180 times,
was last seen playing on 14 May 2018, 20:47 EDT,
and has not registered with B3 yet!
Register as a User: While ingame type !register in chat.
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TheVomit is connecting from: United States United States.

Known aliases for this player are:
DogVomit, =|FF|=DogVomit, TheVomit, TheVomit;wall fail, TheVomit;lol, TheVomit;bogus kil, TheVomit;help me in tunel, TheVomit;hoped u stopped campin, TheVomit;hel[p in tunnel, TheVomit;tinnel, TheVomit;l, TheVomit;clay kill is cruel, TheVomit;lo, ThePoopEater, TheVomit;zero keeps wa;, TheVomit;perfect gl, TheVomit;gdamit no cl, TheVomit;AB f, CID_3, ..., ---, AnalBleed, LeakyAss

Activity   Hitzones

Bodyparts Your Kills Your Deaths
torso_lower 3012 (25.10%) 2295 (24.99%)
Total Disruption 1759 (14.66%) 1905 (20.74%)
left_leg_upper 1438 (11.98%) 481 (5.24%)
right_leg_upper 1327 (11.06%) 509 (5.54%)
torso_upper 797 (6.64%) 1123 (12.23%)
left_leg_lower 719 (5.99%) 300 (3.27%)
right_leg_lower 666 (5.55%) 224 (2.44%)
head 638 (5.32%) 1131 (12.31%)
left_arm_lower 366 (3.05%) 215 (2.34%)
right_arm_lower 283 (2.36%) 206 (2.24%)
left_arm_upper 282 (2.35%) 187 (2.04%)
right_arm_upper 204 (1.70%) 219 (2.38%)
left_foot 132 (1.10%) 59 (0.64%)
right_foot 123 (1.02%) 58 (0.63%)
left_hand 106 (0.88%) 77 (0.84%)
neck 97 (0.81%) 166 (1.81%)
right_hand 53 (0.44%) 28 (0.30%)
Watch your cover and aim for deadly hitzones on your opponents!
Accuracy (you hit the red parts more frequently)
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