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      Server Time:   (Thursday 4th of July 2024 09:19:36 AM)
 Address  Map  Playing  Rounds  Players  Killed  Headshots  HpK
 United States NET-JAM.com (HARDCORE)Server version: 1.7ish Backlot (war) 20/22 (24) 398031 12783 69680905 9470100 0.1359

Currently playing (20 Players)   
Lp. Nick ScoreCountry Level Connections
Marines / S.A.S. (9)
1pikachew514AustraliaCracked Key20
2OKORD422ChinaCracked Key15101
3Cao Ni Ma Ge BB302ChinaCracked Key232705
4Superman264ChinaCracked Key488
5ABC234ChinaCracked Key567
6[MV]Chris.FR164FranceNot registered235
7mehrab sis130RomaniaCracked Key130
8[346872]seven100Cracked Key5
9NSD0RomaniaCracked Key133
OpFor / Spetznaz (10)
1SHFTE___KES270RomaniaCracked Key132
2Saleh234RomaniaCracked Key129
30077180RomaniaCracked Key128
4MOBIN.KH162RomaniaCracked Key127
5steppa rejzx158AustraliaRegistered1104
6varela150AustraliaCracked Key181
7danawa150144Korea, Republic ofRegistered+2597
8RU??ON-ON!!140United StatesNot registered962
9AA/FA122United StatesCracked Key73
10OldMan110GermanyNot registered3394
Spectators (1)
1Walker0Sri LankaCracked Key17634

Top 25 Skill Top 25 Kills Top 25 Ratio Top 13 Weapons Top 13 Maps
Top 13 Maps with most Kills
Rank Map View Total Kills Rounds
1 Vacant866274433757
2 Backlot803600533894
3 Crossfire779432033249
4 Crash745992531255
5 Bog712637628967
6 City Streets700362427117
7 China Town670794826672
8 Broadcast640872325162
9 Strike627225523802
10 Convoy603430425094
11 Pipeline561858721355
12 Overgrown536671321873
13 Bloc525688920981
Click on the map to see its stats!
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Our award winners
Pro Medals
Cold weapon fan
Knife kills p/r:  0.39 
Most knife kills per round

Nothing better to do
Rounds:  42,216 
Most rounds played

Bone Collector
Kills:  905,813 
Top Killer

Super Sniper
Kills p/r:  8.01 
Most sniper kills per round

Hard to Hit
Ratio:  2.53 
Herpes Derpes
Best Ratio

Top these players to win an award!

Our shame award winners
Shame Medals
Deaths by vehicle p/r:  0.06 
Most deaths by exploding vehicle per round

Send Joey, he'll do anything!
Teamdeaths p/r:  0.82 
NJSA-HR- Cyph3r
Most Teamdeaths per round

Eyes Wide Shut!
Teamkills p/r:  0.88 
NJSA-HR- Cyph3r
Most Teamkills per round

Target Practice!
Sniper deaths p/r:  2.09 
dL. jerki
Most sniper deaths per round

Accidental Hero
::  Award Still Available :: 

Most accidental deaths per round

Not try not to be on top here