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Total Kills2625
Total Team kills5483
Total Suicides12330
We need a good description for this weapon. Are you willing to help us out? Send your description to XLRstats. Thanks in advance!

Playerstats for this weapon
Player Kills Deaths Suicides Team kills Team deaths
Lil'Wheezy 161 (6.13%) 57 (2.17%) 216 (3.94%) 60 (1.09%)
Bighead Burton 90 (3.43%) 63 (2.40%) 83 (1.51%) 71 (1.29%)
NJM-Cow 54 (2.06%) 54 (2.06%) 77 (1.40%) 63 (1.15%)
Jervis 30 (1.14%) 42 (1.60%) 35 (0.64%) 56 (1.02%)
FreedomWaffle 28 (1.07%) 25 (0.95%) 35 (0.64%) 27 (0.49%)
NJM-Tucker 27 (1.03%) 16 (0.61%) 21 (0.38%) 21 (0.38%)
NJ-Turbo 26 (0.99%) 15 (0.57%) 50 (0.91%) 47 (0.86%)
MIKETDOG 26 (0.99%) 21 (0.80%) 33 (0.60%) 27 (0.49%)
You need at least 25 kills/suicides with this weapon to appear on this list!