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      Server Time:   (Tuesday 16th of July 2024 10:24:30 PM)
 Address  Map  Playing  Rounds  Players  Killed  Headshots  HpK
 United States NET-JAM.com (HARDCORE)Server version: 1.7ish Convoy (war) 18/22 (24) 399229 12790 69883038 9497274 0.1359

Currently playing (18 Players)   
Lp. Nick ScoreCountry Level Connections
Marines / S.A.S. (9)
1fGt290Not registered275
2Allackbar250ChileNot registered1940
3]UE[-Hyperion-=210United StatesCracked Key1612
4>T< Mime180United StatesRegistered472
5NJ-Turbo132United StatesRegistered5516
7Walker92Sri LankaCracked Key17944
8Cool Rick50CanadaCracked Key748
OpFor / Spetznaz (9)
24BlazeR210United StatesNot registered142
32old110United StatesRegistered1835
4XRAYRAINER54United StatesNot registered2759
5Milo50ChileCracked Key4052
6ishotdonaldSxTx40New ZealandCracked Key380
7THEBADDOG40United StatesNot registered54
8Eduneitor0Cracked Key46428
93690ChinaCracked Key233484
Spectators (0)

Top 25 Skill Top 25 Kills Top 25 Ratio Top 13 Weapons Top 13 Maps
Top 13 Maps with most Kills
Rank Map View Total Kills Rounds
1 Vacant868705833845
2 Backlot806052533993
3 Crossfire781552233338
4 Crash747910931334
5 Bog714505429038
6 City Streets702357027207
7 China Town672913526770
8 Broadcast643209725264
9 Strike629001123869
10 Convoy605753225195
11 Pipeline563997321432
12 Overgrown538431221947
13 Bloc527010421034
Click on the map to see its stats!
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Our award winners
Pro Medals
Close Combat Pistol Hero
Kills p/r:  5.82 
dL. jerki
Most pistol kills per round

The Player to Beat
Skill:  939 
Top Skilled

Head Hunter
Headshots:  19% 
liquid ozone
Highest headshot percentage

Surprise Lover
Claymore kills p/r:  1.47 
Most Claymore kills per round

Nade killer
Nade kills p/r:  3.32 
Most nade kills per round

Top these players to win an award!

Our shame award winners
Shame Medals
Shave me please!
Knife deaths p/r:  0.25 
Most knife deaths per round

Send Joey, he'll do anything!
Teamdeaths p/r:  0.60 
Most Teamdeaths per round

Deaths by vehicle p/r:  0.06 
Most deaths by exploding vehicle per round

Accidental Hero
::  Award Still Available :: 

Most accidental deaths per round

Eyes Wide Shut!
Teamkills p/r:  0.87 
Most Teamkills per round

Not try not to be on top here