: XLRStats :
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Activity   Hitzones

Bodyparts Your Kills Your Deaths
Total Disruption 199552 (54.20%) 39743 (11.98%)
torso_lower 57551 (15.63%) 98905 (29.81%)
torso_upper 22180 (6.02%) 38634 (11.64%)
head 16237 (4.41%) 27248 (8.21%)
left_leg_upper 13932 (3.78%) 23921 (7.21%)
right_leg_upper 13320 (3.62%) 22782 (6.87%)
left_leg_lower 6796 (1.85%) 14192 (4.28%)
right_leg_lower 5929 (1.61%) 11928 (3.59%)
right_arm_lower 4925 (1.34%) 9078 (2.74%)
left_arm_lower 4841 (1.31%) 8172 (2.46%)
right_arm_upper 4738 (1.29%) 7462 (2.25%)
left_arm_upper 4651 (1.26%) 7728 (2.33%)
neck 2860 (0.78%) 5567 (1.68%)
left_foot 1513 (0.41%) 4211 (1.27%)
right_foot 1489 (0.40%) 3805 (1.15%)
left_hand 1406 (0.38%) 2099 (0.63%)
right_hand 874 (0.24%) 1398 (0.42%)
Watch your cover and aim for deadly hitzones on your opponents!
Accuracy (you hit the red parts more frequently)
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